Example sentences of "she [verb] [not/n't] [adv] [vb pp] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The Lady Jinneth went out riding alone this afternoon , and she has not yet come back .
2 The media commentator Michael Leapman , writing in the Independent on Sunday , observed that ‘ she has not usually done well in other roles … her Panorama programme on TV violence a few years ago was not judged a critical success . ’
3 ‘ Down To Earth ’ will prove that she has not only mastered here medium , but that she has only just begun .
4 Second , she has not only cleaned up her act , she seems to have adopted a remarkably apt late twentieth-century camouflage : from Baltic peasant to stereotypical dyke 's delight is a transition not normally catered for in those women 's magazines that offer readers new looks for new lifestyles .
5 She has n't exactly gone out of her way to make anybody else happy , has she ? ’
6 Oh no , she 's definitely wants to go , but she has n't actually filled out the form .
7 She had n't even frothed yet .
8 She had n't even read very much .
9 She had the decided feeling that he was on to her , and she had n't even started yet .
10 It would also be better from the point of view of traffic — she had n't yet looked up Hallborough on a map , but she guessed she would need her car to get to it .
11 It felt , despite the new clothes , that she had n't quite made up her mind .
12 Her niece is spending the night with her , so she should be all right , but she seems a little strange , as though , she had n't quite caught on that Aunt Alicia has gone . "
13 Plenty of lines on his face , which she had n't really noticed before , but which were particularly noticeable now .
14 With a wide , delighted smile , because she had n't really expected ever to see him again , she teased , ‘ Are you following me ? ’
15 She had not yet decided how to deal with him .
16 She carried a small basket in her hand containing food for her frugal evening meal , although the rancid smells around her were strong enough to diminish any desire to eat — she had not yet grown sufficiently accustomed to them to ignore them .
17 As she could hear Jack coming down the stairs she returned to the kitchen and picked up the metal spoon and plunged it into the saucepan which she had not yet put on to heat .
18 She had not yet learned how greatly Brian exaggerated his financial problems in order to keep her in line .
19 These were the feelings of loss at the death of her first husband , which she had not yet worked through , her sense of guilt at letting social services help out , and her feeling of remorse at the kind of marriage she could offer Stanley .
20 She had not even spoken much , leaving the explanations to Keith and Jinny .
21 Miss Grimes had certainly been glad of the presents but she had not really seemed as destitute and lonely as Ianthe had expected — perhaps secretly even hoped — and she found herself resenting the way she had taken the violets .
22 She thought suddenly that she had taken Dr Neil for granted , that she had not fully realised either his hard work or his dedication , and for the first time understood the impulse which had caused him to leave the cushioned life of a younger son of a good family and become an East End doctor instead .
23 In summary , she had not only slipped away from their definitions of appropriate female behaviour , she also forced them to acknowledge a strange and unexpected relationship of equality between her and her God .
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