Example sentences of "she [verb] [adv] and [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 After lunch , between the morning ride and the afternoon expedition , she read aloud and in the evenings she enjoyed playing cards and various acting and paper games .
2 ‘ What 's wrong , Will ? ’ she asked apprehensively and at the sound of her voice , he burst into tears .
3 She darted round and round the tower , running fast but waving her hands .
4 Her anger and resentment grew as she drove home and for the rest of that evening she found it difficult to get David Markham out of her mind .
5 She skipped along and into the wood at the end of the gardens .
6 The city seems to stretch on and on — or is she going round and round the ring road in an endless loop ?
7 She walked up and down the street , calling Griselda , though the cat had never been known to come when it was called .
8 She walked in and around the corner , and her heart leapt to see someone in Carolyn 's bed .
9 A smile still hovering round her mouth , she glanced up and through the mirror .
10 Outside , she looked up and down the road ; then turning to Millie , she said , ‘ There 's nobody here now . ’
11 She looked up and down the quiet street , where the lights made golden leafy spaces in the trees .
12 As she left the phone box , she looked up and down the street for other shops .
13 Furtively she looked up and down the street .
14 She went over and over the last time she had seen him .
15 Taking up an oil-can she went out and towards the old outbuildings , to the door next to the one leading into the barn and , moving it , she found that it had n't been oiled .
16 She went in and up the stairs to some rooms at the top of the house .
17 She slid in and around the one who was dressing , and set a couple of coffees down in what limited space she could see on the table .
18 It was a familiar sight to see her running up and down the side line refereeing , or getting out her bike to cycle out to the reserve to organise Guides .
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