Example sentences of "she [verb] [verb] in [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Erm , I wondered if I should ask her if she 's going to the chinese tomorrow if she wants to drop in on the way home .
2 Instead of liking the look of the water , wading in carefully and finding it was wonderful , she 'd tumbled in at the deep end .
3 She was cracking those damn peppermints in her back teeth to disguise the fact she 'd called in at the Oyster Bar on her way up . ’
4 Nor was she going to give in to the warm and leaping sensations being generated in her by the slow , rhythmic stroking of his fingers .
5 Remembering Philippe Bonard 's invitation to use the pool whenever she wished , she decided to call in at the Auberge de la Fontaine and pick up her swimming costume .
6 She had called in at the office once since she left and had been greeted with pleasure .
7 The fire by which we sat , Mrs Browning in front , I to one side , consisted mainly of a branch of beech which she had brought in from the woods : the thick end was in the fireplace , surrounded by burning twigs cosseted into flame by Mrs Browning , who puffed upon them with a pair of leather bellows when they faltered , and the other end , in shape and size rather like the antlers of a deer , reached out into the room .
8 By a coincidence the letter had been waiting for her on her dressing-table when she had got in from the pictures the previous night , just after she had been thinking and talking of Hilda .
9 He thought it a great feat that she had got in from the Point in an hour and a quarter .
10 Reproaching herself for not having unlocked it when she had come in from the main door , she rose quickly and went to open up .
11 Her father , finding in her many of the qualities he had admired in her mother , had given her far greater freedom from the harem than was normal and from childhood she had sat in on the political and intellectual discussions her father had with his cronies .
12 She longed to give in to the desire in his eyes and her own body 's urging .
13 She wanted to get in off the doorstep .
14 Philippa had come early because she wanted to get in in the hope of finding an earring she had lost , before the cleaner started on the room .
15 She suggested calling in on the local correspondent to see what his views were .
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