Example sentences of "this [modal v] not be see [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This should not be seen as a deterrent .
2 But this should not be seen as a criticism ; the role and scope of audit is somewhat narrowly defined in law , and any change is almost bound to have legal ramifications .
3 This should not be seen as an attack on a balding old Pole but on the institution he leads — ie the hierarchy of the Catholic Church , whose attitudes towards gays , women and other oppressed groups belong in the dustbin of history as do those of most religious hierarchies .
4 Data analysis is an iterative process : the final model will not be obtained until after a number of tries and this should not be seen as slowness , but care for accuracy .
5 Just to finish up colleagues this should not be seen as a willingness for local authority workers to give up their jobs , but it needs to be sorted so that our brothers and sisters who are forced into redundancy receive fair recompense for their loss .
6 And this need not be seen as a particularly innovative piece of verbal transvestism on the part of the Shipman .
7 This will not be seen as a sign of weakness but a real sign of strength .
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