Example sentences of "this [noun] have come [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In tracing the antiquity of Langridge we find that this manor has come down to Robin Wood via Henry Golding , Barber , Leveson , Whornes , Watson , Melford and Roger Bavent who held it with John de Langereche and finally back to Adam de Bavent during the reign of Edward I. Robin Wood died 14th July 1738 and is buried in Hailing Church .
2 This beggar had come in to the fitting shop , corner at the back corner , where he should n't have been .
3 And that 's got something that 's conne this bloke 's come up with something
4 This crisis had come about as a result of the Emperor 's determination to carry through a series of far-reaching reforms which had actually been begun in a tentative fashion some years previously .
5 How this name originated I have no idea , but I do know that it has been around for many generations for a jingle about this name has come down from the 19th century and it went : " Old Cribb , Young Cribb and Young Cribbs Son , if it had n't a been for Old Cribb there would n't have been none " .
6 Superficially attractive and officially , if implicitly , condoned by UNESCO , this theory has come in for severe criticism from Western media interests and journalists .
7 If this advice had come only from junior officials , he might have been able to over-rule it .
8 This Simone has come directly from playing the Dame of pantomime and maintains that character from her very first entrance when she shakes a tablecloth out of the window and then furiously throws every vegetable in sight at Colas because she finds him waiting for Lise .
9 He can tell them in training , but they 've got to perform out there on the pitch , and probably this game has come just at the right time , after suffering a defeat like that , this is the time to get out there and show the supporters what they can really do .
10 The decision to hold Course IV in this way has come about with some reluctance and a great deal of heart-searching and concern .
11 I said one night er this matey 's come up to me , and he 's like one of me mates and that and he said fucking hell you had a skinful the other night did n't you ?
12 Understandably , this presumption has come in for a great deal of criticism .
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