Example sentences of "this [noun] [vb mod] be [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This finding may be of clinical importance in the few patients who have severe hypergastrinaemia as a result of long acting profound acid inhibition .
2 So the results of this trial will be of enormous benefit to mothers as in future they will be offered a treatment which has been shown to be effective .
3 And her advise to others like her is to seek help , rather than become victims of law which in this case may be over protective .
4 From this FitzGerald could be in little doubt as to the likely course the bishops would take once a referendum campaign got under way .
5 If the only way to give the drama momentum is to allow through ( 1 ) an emergence of crude competition between the teacher and pupils or through the even cruder ‘ I 'm the baddy not to be trusted ’ approach of ( 4 ) , then she may have to abandon altogether her intention to open up ( 2 ) , the recognition by the townsfolk that here is an official who can not know and indeed who does not want to know what the cost of this decision will be to those of us who are faced with it .
6 However , as it was intended that this study should be of particular use to the suppliers of information , it was therefore biased towards the first stage of environmental scanning ; that is , the gathering of information .
7 This effect may be to due a different RNA secondary structure affecting the accessibility of the internal AUG codons .
8 In the case of registered title , if the wife is purchasing the husband 's interest in the property , a search in usual form ( Form 94A ) at HM Land Registry is appropriate ; otherwise a search should be made on Form 94C , although as the wife is a trustee of the legal estate with the husband , this search can be of little value , particularly as it confers no priority ( Land Registration ( Official Searches ) Rules 1990 ( SI No 1361 ) , r9 ) .
9 However important this battle might be for future power at sea , the decisive point for the current war had been that the blockade made it impossible for the French to reinforce their West Indian or North American possessions .
10 Some of this work should be in black and white for use in regional media and certain magazines , but the majority will need to be in colour .
11 This test could be of clinical value in deciding which patients require urgent referral for further management and treatment in hospitals without specialist nephrological care .
12 Whilst not really in the FlyPast field this publication will be of great use to the enthusiast who needs an up-to-date concise listing of aircraft in Aussie .
13 I could n't even imagine what this sensation might be like any more , so utterly had it evaporated .
14 ‘ Let's see , ’ he mused ‘ at ten bob a pound , this fish must be worth twenty five quid I reckon .
15 In some ways this group may be in most need of our prayers , but the sense of freshness and opportunity pervades .
16 This insight will be of great value in the normative analysis of monopoly situations .
17 Now erm some of this films might be of some interest .
18 This metal will be of particular interest to readers as early horse brasses were cut from it .
19 To many people , this knowledge will be of passing interest .
20 This development will be of real value . ’
21 She had n't imagined that this woman could be at all assertive , but she was being exactly that now , and Alain had so far said nothing at all .
22 Development shoot-outs as suggested by one researcher may be a way of widening the solution arena ( Quinn , 1986 ) , but if the uncertainties are too high even this approach may be of little value .
23 ( 3 ) Your house has come up in a random sample of houses in this area and , if you are a full-time housewife , we would like you to tell us about your working day since ( 4 ) we believe that a survey of this subject would be of great value in helping all housewives .
24 Now , as to ‘ The History of the product , ’ an ability to retroscend in this fashion will be of inestimable value to you , it will mean that when you are engaged in assessing the demand for a particular product you can look at similar and instantly unpack the portfolio of its genesis .
25 This official would be to public law rather what the Director of Public Prosecutions is to the criminal law .
26 Some of this information will be of strategic value .
27 This book will be of great use as a reference text , both to students studying aspects of drug analysis and toxicology , as well ass scientists who are already working within the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries .
28 This measurement could be of clinical importance in assessment of a patient referred with impaired renal function , by helping to determine whether the deterioration in renal function was acute ( ARF ) , acute on chronic ( AonCRF ) , or part of stable-chronic renal failure ( CRF ) .
29 This section will be of particular value to programme co-ordinators and staff involved in the planning for delivery of modules .
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