Example sentences of "this [noun] [be] [adj] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This finding is consistent with the previous studies showing that duodenal ulcer patients have an increased sensitivity to pentagastrin as well as to endogenous gastrin released in response to a peptone meal .
2 This finding is open to the criticism that it reflects no more than a difference between the two phenomena in their sensitivity — that the procedure in question disrupts some process common to both phenomena and that the latent inhibition procedure provides a more sensitive measure of this disruption than does the habituation procedure .
3 This finding is inconsistent with the conclusions of various surveys of job satisfaction in industry , according to which a feeling of excessive pace is a potent cause of dissatisfaction .
4 This phenomena is consistent with the formation of intrastrand crosslinks between adjacent guanine residues on the template strand .
5 Once again the phasing of this support is vital to the smooth introduction of information systems .
6 This change is functional for the stability of monopoly capitalism because the pseudo-democracy of direct voting by a mass electorate for leaders or policies increases the legitimacy of the political system , allows the mass of citizens to be co-opted into compliance , and poses no real risk of losing control over key state decisions to the masses .
7 He goes on to explain that this change was fundamental to the development of Combined Operations as he was then able to order the ships and craft , and requisition bases among the other resources controlled by the Minister of Defence ( Winston Churchill ) .
8 He went on : ‘ This reorganisation is critical to the long-term future of the laboratory and the changes will make a significant impact on our ability to meet the challenges facing us .
9 He went on : ‘ This reorganisation is critical to the long-term future of the laboratory and the changes will make a significant impact on our ability to meet the challenges facing us .
10 In other words , it is important that readers of this update are familiar with the original study .
11 Speaking at the launch councillor John Kerr , chairman of the Board of Management of ERNACT , said : ‘ An economic database of this kind is new to the region .
12 An indifference of this kind is clearer in the 1950s , and can even be seen to have been deliberately fostered .
13 A more dynamic approach of this kind was possible with the advent of computers which could analyse the necessary amounts of synoptic data .
14 We believe that this weakness is one of the reasons which explains the failure of left parties and the trade unions to develop coherent socialist housing policies .
15 An account of United States practice in this field is well beyond the scope of this work .
16 What has happened in this case is symptomatic of the adversarial approach , where technical points are taken in order to secure a particular result .
17 This case is illustrative of the general common-law rule that there is no liability between an unincorporated club or its members on the one hand and individual members on the other .
18 This case is bizarre in the extreme .
19 This case was concerned with the same facts as Wagon Mound ( No 1 ) and the same defendants .
20 This bottlenecking is characteristic of the life cycles of all many-celled animals and most plants .
21 Most of this level is involved in the physical functioning of our bodies — breathing , circulation , heartbeat and so on — and no more than a quarter is available for dealing with our conscious thought processes .
22 Factors operating at this level are remote from the event itself , predispose different groups of people towards certain kinds of action and hence define the limits of other causes .
23 ( Industry analysts suggested that prices at this level were likely in the short term only if Libya withdrew supplies in retaliation against Western countries over the current sanctions issue — see p. 38883 — but conceded that the general trend of the market was upwards . )
24 This technique is typical of the Japanese projects .
25 This technique is one of the prominent syntactico-semantic features of the first part of the novel , and it does not disappear in the second and third sections .
26 This board is available from the EE PCB Service , code EE799 .
27 This board is available from the EE PCB Service , code EE798 .
28 Details of the printed circuit board are provided in Fig. 3 , this board is available from the EE PCB Service , code EE795 .
29 This board is available from the EE PCB Service , code EE796 .
30 This board is available from the EE PCB Service , code EE794 .
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