Example sentences of "this [noun] [conj] you [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 It 's very hard to get clothes into this wardrobe until you get the knack . ’
2 You 're life does n't depend on being asked to answer this question because you know the answer .
3 see what happened is , I came over and he says , you know I 've told this lady that you saw the man standing beside her and she went she sort of , she described him , apparently he was very tall which
4 It is a condition of this appointment that you complete the attached waiver agreeing to the exclusion of any claim to statutory rights in respect of unfair dismissal or redundancy payment on the expiry of your appointment without its being renewed or extended , and acknowledging that you will not be entitled to redundancy payments on such expiry .
5 They 'd only been beaten 3 times this season so you feared the worst , but it was Oxford who struck next ; another no goal , or no penalty , according to Kevin Keegan .
6 You know you read the , the columns and you buy a second hand car and you buy one this week and you read the column next week
7 Try to remember the things you 've learned from this poem until you do the next exercise when you will have the opportunity to transform the knowledge into something uniquely your own .
8 It is to the shame of this Tory government that er er our senior citizens have to struggle to feed and clothe themselves and to try to keep warm , and as inadequate pensions that they receive from this government if you compare the way in the other European countries what they get and what the British government gives to our old age pensioners , our senior citizens they 're more they 're worse off than actually second class citizens .
9 You have a track record and you build up this understanding and you acquire the skills , and it gets easier and easier .
10 Substitute " genetic endowment " for " soul " in this specification and you have the essence of contemporary sociobiological doctrine .
11 What we 've got for the first time I suspect , since any of you joined this company and you take the experience over there as well , is that the time you spend two days together , and actually find out what it is that makes you go and I do n't suppose that happens often , , dropped you off the boat together for more than two hours at a time .
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