Example sentences of "by a [noun] [prep] [noun pl] and " in BNC.

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1 for example any diagnostic task can be aided by a taxonomy of symptoms and a taxonomy of causes together with connections between them .
2 For all its great altitude , the view from the top of the Col du Tourmalet is much less open and memorable than many , blocked as it is to the south by a row of peaks and overpowered immediately to the north by the bulk of the Pic du Midi de Bigorre , which is a most assertive mountain .
3 The outer side of the algal ridge is often interrupted by a system of spurs and grooves , the latter running back through the ridge as a series of surge channels , which may even become roofed over in places by the development of Porolithon from their sides .
4 The flow is then reversed by a system of valves and the bed backwashed .
5 These were ‘ the integration of different segments of the labour process by a system of conveyors and handling devices ensuring the movement of the materials to be transformed and their arrival at the appropriate machine tools ’ .
6 ROMNEY Marsh , some forty-five miles south-east of London on the coast of Kent , is a two-hundred-square-mile area reclaimed from the sea by a system of dykes and channels started as far back as Roman times .
7 FADS for vitamin supplements have been overtaken by a vogue for minerals and trace elements .
8 An outline of the Modular Course Matrix is followed by a discussion of roles and responsibilities of key individuals and groups .
9 In RENFE , basic pay has been supplemented by a plethora of bonuses and allowances ( in 1983 , there were well over 100 separate remunerative headings in addition to basic pay ) , and in contrast to BR , employees receive age-related increments at four-yearly intervals .
10 In a new burst of corporate energy , the choir was demolished in Anselm 's day , and replaced by a structure in proportions and plan unlike any other in England at the time .
11 Fertility could remain high and mortality continue to decline without population growth being stifled by a fall in wages and increases in the cost of subsistence .
12 It 's criss crossed by a maze of tracks and bridle paths .
13 Rosières turned out to be a big old field , already occupied by a squadron of bombers and a squadron of Bristol Fighters .
14 It is managed by a council of directors and each member must delegate one director .
15 Markets coordinate , without conscious human intervention , the literally millions of individual decisions made in a complex economy by a multiplicity of producers and consumers .
16 The produce was brought to the station by a multiplicity of carts and wagons drawn by oxen , ponies , mules , camels , or even on the backs of elephants .
17 Demanding that the NSF should stand down in favour of a caretaker administration , they were confronted by a cordon of tanks and troops around the NSF headquarters .
18 However , at Pushkin Square , about 500 metres from Manezh Square , the demonstrators were confronted by a cordon of troops and trucks .
19 INDICATIONS that the economy is moving out of recession were provided by a clutch of reports and surveys yesterday pointing to improvements in consumer and business confidence and rising credit .
20 The Commission proposes that it should be a criminal offence for anyone to release into the environment a living creature whose genes have been altered in the laboratory — unless the proposed release has been scrutinised and licensed by a committee of ecologists and environmental scientists .
21 The Centre for Research on User Studies asked its respondents to indicate ‘ topics for which you think there is most need for external provision of training ’ , and while there was little evidence of lack of interest in external training or lack of perceived need , there was also little evidence of discrimination between needs that could be met by a range of methods and needs that could only be met by external provision .
22 Some plants , however , are known to be efficiently dispersed by two quite distinct types of agent , e.g. the fruits of Faramea occidentalis ( Rubiaceae ) on Barro Colorado Island are eaten by a range of mammals and birds , but dispersal is said to be principally effected by howler and white-faced monkeys and by crested guans .
23 So many people wanted to emigrate in answer to this that the local authorities feared that the traditional system of agriculture in Madeira as well as the new industries , would be endangered by a shortage of artisans and workers .
24 Many organisations in fact are overwhelmed by a superabundance of communications and some are looking to computerisation to solve some of the problems created by information bombardment .
25 They were watched by a straggle of housewives and schoolchildren , and a photographer from the local paper .
26 Chancellor Norman Lamont and treasury ministers were told er chancellor Norman Lamont and treasury ministers were to be grilled like labour spokesmen by a panel of businessmen and just one union leader .
27 Each will then be interviewed by a panel of experts and asked questions that draw upon their professional skills and personality .
28 A shortlist of entries will be featured on Dance Energy House Party with winners chosen by a panel of viewers and top music biz hotshots .
29 The Normans , by comparison , were led by armoured and fairly mobile knights , backed by a barrage of archers and organised groups of spear and swordsmen .
30 by a barrage of grenades and mortars .
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