Example sentences of "by the [noun sg] [noun] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A difficulty with this provision is that it is enforceable only by the person issuing copies of the copy-protected work in question to the public , and the person making , importing , selling or hiring , etc. the device , means or information knows or has reason to believe that it will be used to make infringing copies .
2 These excellent facilities are used by the University sports clubs for practice and for matches in the local leagues .
3 The risks involved are thus extremely high , and it is generally recognised that close management control of these companies by the venture capital funds in necessary , as compared with the more remote approach of investors on the Stock Exchange .
4 Fred Aldsworth has drawn attention to the careful recording of such boundary features by the Ordnance Survey surveyors in the nineteenth century and the existence of their records as ‘ mere books ’ .
5 The earthworks of the village have always been known : they were recorded by the Ordnance Survey surveyors in the nineteenth century and then re-discovered by Maurice Beresford in the late 1940s .
6 Earnings of other textile workers in the southern and eastern parts of the country , disclosed by Arthur Young in his Tours of the 1770s , suggest a range from the 10 to 12s ( 50-60p ) earned by the specialist blanket weavers of Witney and carpet weavers of Wilton to a low of 5s ( 25p ) scraped by Norwich worsted weavers at a time of serious decline in their trade .
7 Away from Newquay and its tired Day-Glo tackiness , a group of north coast surfers are promoting a different approach , personified by the campaign group Surfers Against Sewage .
8 The morning 's visit to the harbour at Porthleven was just one of a whole series of annual ‘ hits ’ and demonstrations carried out by the campaign group Surfers Against Sewage [ SAS ] , which from a St Agnes office has now swelled to close to 7,000 members across the country .
9 Presently a voice from the loud-speaker boomed out : ‘ Ladies and gentlemen , the next event will be a procession in costume by the Brownie Guide Packs of the county . ’
10 The WRU yesterday turned down a request by the Merit Table clubs for a meeting tomorrow to discuss the proposed national leagues .
11 The thinking behind the MMC report is that cash buyers are subsidising credit card users because prices in shops and restaurants reflect the charge levied by the credit card companies on the retailers .
12 We now live our lives by the computer stock charts of vast plcs .
13 Last night Mr Smith wrote to Mr Major urging him to publish through the Commons library the legal advice given by the Government law officers on Labour 's controversial clause 27 , with the apparently contradictory legal advice given to the Foreign Office .
14 The report suggested making finance available from current revenue expenditure or by the government lifting restrictions on borrowing for self-financing schemes such as water investment schemes , paid for by charges levied on consumers .
15 In the schedules issued by the Catering Wages Councils to employers in the trade the following terms describe the areas :
16 I had never seen anything like it before , a crescent of dazzling white , where a million pearly shells had been pounded and smashed by the Atlantic swells into fine sand , marked only by the tides , and above the tide-marks by the myriad criss-crossing prints of sea-birds .
17 Starling literature suggests that each bird prefers its own ‘ personal space ’ at the roost , but photographs taken by the Squad show examples of individuals squatting close , touching , huddled for warmth .
18 On 2 September 1251 Langley was commissioned ‘ to cause the king 's demesne parks and hays to be agisted by the king s agisters in those parts , throughout England , wherever there is mast . ’
19 They attracted criticism from a number of quarters and only 29 remain , run by the Trading Standards Departments of 20 local authorities ; the remainder fell victim to a political change in the relevant local authority coupled with the withdrawal of central government funding .
20 A rebellion by the Hutu people results in 80,000 being slaughtered by the ruling Tutsis .
21 But there are fears among the management of the Government-owned Scottish Nuclear that the business could become moribund if the energy rethink forced by the coal controversy results in a swing against nuclear power ahead of the more comprehensive review of the industry due next year .
22 This view was shared by the trade union officials to whom we spoke .
23 I think he gave a figure of one pound , fifty nine was what was referred to by the phrase management charges in that sentence
24 Once the required modifications to a package and its constituent modules have been carried out they can be submitted for APPROVAL to a baseline , specified by the Quality Control procedures of the organisation .
25 Breaking strains are established by the Quality Control departments of the line manufacturers .
26 The Railway Act 1974 replaced the service-by-service approach with a block grant on the EEC model for ‘ public service obligation ’ ( PSO ) ; support for metropolitan area rail services was also to be provided by the Passenger Transport Executives of the large metropolitan authorities .
27 This point is emphasised by the torque/speed/switching angle characteristics of Fig. 7.7 , which have as their envelope the pull-out torque/speed characteristic introduced with reference to open-loop control .
28 It was announced that remaining unresolved issues would be taken up by the START negotiating teams in Geneva , and both sides stressed their determination to complete the drafting by the end of 1990 .
29 So although M&S is regarded by the stock market analysts as a superbly run business , the lack of real growth in consumer spending has led some to say sell the shares mistakenly in my view .
30 Designed and built by the astronomer Andronicus Kyrrhestes of Macedonia in the second quarter of the first century BC , with a wind vane and complicated sundials on each of its eight walls , its most interesting feature is a reservoir in a smaller building that stood next to its south side .
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