Example sentences of "by a [noun sg] of [noun] over " in BNC.

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1 With particular transactions , such as the import of goods , it might be possible for an agency financing them to have ‘ possession and custody ’ of the goods by a system of control over their warehousing .
2 Their Lordships held that such consent can not be given or implied by a course of conduct over the years as it is important in the interests of both the local authority and the public that consent should not be accidental or informal .
3 SHAPED BY A VARIETY of influences over the years the magnificence and legacy of Harewood remain unspoilt .
4 But the ever-smiling Adams , who has been dogged by a catalogue of injuries over the past two years , was in no mood to feel sorry for himself at Party Politics ' home-coming , attended by more than 500 people in Upper Lambourn yesterday .
5 The Lockwood Parish Map created by a band of workers over several years in East Cleveland has been packed off to Milton Keynes where it will be on display when the Queen commemorates the 25th anniversary of the new town on March 13 .
6 The official peace negotiations in Rome had been blocked by a succession of differences over a wide range of political and constitutional issues .
7 The desirability of continued economic growth has been raised by a number of economists over the past decade and the titles of their publications make their conclusions clear — Does Money Buy Happiness ?
8 However , a review which was triggered by a crisis of confidence over NHS funding ended by saying nothing about funding levels at all and leaving the method of funding through general taxation unchanged ( apart from the ideological blip of allowing tax relief on private health insurance for the over 65s ) .
9 An excess of GP referrals over other referrals of women informally admitted was matched by an excess of female over male GP referrals who were informally admitted .
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