Example sentences of "this was [verb] as [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This was accepted as a small price to pay for having the wide range of voltage output , and unless a load situation arises which takes a rapidly fluctuating current from some low value up to beyond 3A at the 15V point , the performance of the unit is quite satisfactory .
2 When , after long delays , the Soviet Government eventually produced the draft of a reciprocal repatriation agreement , covering civilians as well as PoWs , this was accepted as the basic working document in the negotiations which led to the signature of the Yalta repatriation agreement .
3 This was printed as a limited edition of seventy-five copies for private circulation in 1876 , and a second edition limited to a hundred copies appeared in 1893 .
4 When performed , this was analysed as a censored event in life table analysis .
5 This was seen as a slight restriction of the doctrine when it was imposed in Church ( 1966 ) , where the court held that ‘ The unlawful act must be such as all sober and reasonable people would inevitably recognize must subject the other person to , at least , the risk of some harm resulting therefrom , albeit not serious harm . ’
6 In addition it was proposed that payment to GPs should be based far more on the size of the doctor 's patient list , as this was seen as a good proxy for assessing how hard doctors work .
7 US President Bush pledged a fresh US$645 million in humanitarian aid ( subject to approval by Congress ) , while Baker announced that 54 emergency airlifts of food and medicines from the USA would begin on Feb. 10 , although this was seen as a symbolic gesture rather than as a viable solution to the problem of food shortages in the CIS .
8 Burgoyne and Clark ( 1984 ) report that this was seen as a major reason for returning to live with parents after the break-up of a marriage , and the assistance which grandparents gave with child care in the short term was seen as vital in helping their daughter or son to re-establish themselves economically and to form new relationships .
9 This was seen as a sensible up-grade path for LORASS .
10 This was seen as an equal union between husband and wife , founded on a strong sense of religious purpose and cemented by the power of human love .
11 This was seen as an important gesture of approval since the Somali National Alliance ( SNA — led by Gen. Farah Aydid ) , of which a USC faction was one of four member groups , had earlier opposed UN plans to deploy a total of 3,500 troops in the country , although the USC had agreed to the 500 Pakistanis [ see p. 39034 ] .
12 Even sex reformers like Havelock Ellis shared in the assumption that menstruation was debilitating , and by some this was seen as an educational disqualification .
13 He referred to a dinner given in honour of A. R. Orage , the retiring editor whom Philip Mairet was to replace , which was of inordinate length and at which there were interminable speeches , and where — this was represented as the ultimate horror , uttered in the tones of a cri de coeur — ‘ you could n't even get a drink ! ’
14 The king 's next relapse resulted in permanent disability ; this was regarded as a divine punishment for his early excesses .
15 This was regarded as a great boon by Evangelicals , who dreaded sudden death without the benefit of the clergy and their prayers .
16 This was included as a positive outcome for the English applicant .
17 Thus in Aldridge v Johnson ( 1857 ) 7 E & B 885 there was an agreement to transfer 32 bullocks valued at £192 in return for 100 quarters of barley valued at £125 , the set off of £23 to be paid in cash ; this was construed as a reciprocal sale ( see also Forsyth v Jervis ( 1816 ) 1 Stark 437 ; Sheldon v Cox ( 1824 ) 3 B & C 420 ) .
18 At first this was interpreted as a separate medusa-like form , but it appears in a number of specimens in just such a position and some now think that it may have been a holdfast .
19 This was known as the Big Bang hypothesis .
20 In 1986 this was formalised as an annual fixture playing for a Cup , generously presented by the Worple Society .
21 Originally , this was proposed as a two-year project but we have been asked to manage the Initiative until March 1991 .
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