Example sentences of "this be [art] [noun] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Below this are the emperor and his fourth wife , Elizabeth of Pomerania .
2 More than one year 's delay in reporting the symptom to the family doctor has been recorded in over half of cases , the main reasons for this being the hope that it will go away and embarrassment in talking to the doctor about it .
3 Maybe this is a nightmare and I 'll wake . …
4 This is a nightmare and I 've got to wake up . ’
5 This is a warning that I flagged at the Council conference two years ago : where is the small firm going to be ?
6 We are so used to hearing talk about the nervous system ‘ encoding ’ the outside world that it is easy to forget that this is a metaphor and it is one that has no place in serious philosophical discussion of the mind-body problem or the philosophy of perception .
7 This is a firm and they 've been going for a number of years .
8 This is a pity because his book was one of the most interesting textbooks I have read for a long time .
9 This is a pity and I 'm afraid it 's a case of your researchers not seeing much beyond the end of their dicks .
10 This is a pity as its delicate , lacy leaves have an unusual flavour , which helps to lift recipes out of the everyday routine .
11 This is a pity as it is usually curable .
12 Said this is a test ignore , this is a test and there was sort of like keying in
13 And this is erm this is a pot that we had made after much
14 CoHSE official Dave McNicholas , an intensive care staff nurse , said : ‘ This is a scandal and it 's not just our unit that 's affected by shortages but units across the country .
15 This is a problem that we will have to deal with urgently , not least because slow service in responding to complaints affects the reputation of our profession .
16 Like the formation of many major landforms , this is a problem where there is room for differences in belief through the absence of any positive evidence .
17 You know , so I , I mean , I talked about this before , this is a mailing that I want to do in October , which means for example , that I 've got to print the catalogue in July , which means I 've got to proof it in June , which means I have to actually design it in April and May .
18 Cos I used this look , I said that erm I 'd re I had represented his father in an accident case some years before and I was acquainted with the family in a casual way , and I said this may suggest , because he was saying you can make up and you can , this is a bit when you can use your imagination , and I said this may suggest that his father , you know he 'd like , because it the way he says that , I 'd represented his father , I was acquainted , you know maybe that he knows he 's used to that kind of erm behaviour from the family , you know , and he knows what Eddie 's like his fa I do n't know I might be completely wrong but I used my imagination there .
19 This is a constraint that I imposed on the DEVELOPMENT procedure .
20 I appropriate that this is a fantasy and there is no real proof for it .
21 This is a privilege as she was a wealthy woman who lived in seclusion there since she was abandoned on her wedding day .
22 But if you 've got er four hundred and eighty million pounds missing and you 're saying that pension fund managers should er pay a third of it and this is a pay as you go scheme rather than a funded scheme of compensation , how many pension fund managers do you think would be able to cough up their third ?
23 Now a Z score is a convenient way of encapsulating that and this is a way that we 're gon na g work out the correlation coefficient okay ?
24 Now if parents , through playing games with their children that are based on words , could alert the child to the fact that print is a convention and that we can translate print into reality , obviously not as abstract as that , but just get the child used to knowing what print is , knowing what reading is , so that perhaps when they go to school they may well know this is a skill that they do n't have , like they do n't know , perhaps , how to ride a bike , they may not know how to swim , they certainly do n't know how to drive a car , but they do know what sort of a thing driving a car is .
25 Now if parents , through playing games with their children that are based on words , could alert the child to the fact that print is a convention and that we can translate print into reality , obviously not as abstract as that , but just get the child used to knowing what print is , knowing what reading is , so that perhaps when they go to school they may well know this is a skill that they do n't have , like they do n't know , perhaps , how to ride a bike , they may not know how to swim , they certainly do n't know how to drive a car , but they do know what sort of a thing driving a car is .
26 But it differs in not talking about reasons ; and this is a virtue because it does seem possible that there should be justified belief without reasons .
27 This is a point that I have made often in the House and on which I think that I have the support of the Adam Smith Institute which I hope will also be supported by many Conservative Members .
28 This is a point that I 'm making , and I think it is worth the erm the consumers when they are going into buy vehicles to ask is this the best policy that I can have ?
29 This is a disgrace and I wo n't have it and I will have my coffee and rolls and eggs and I will have a good fire or I leave tomorrow and to hell with you . ’
30 This is a debate and I welcome differing views on the initiatives shown by road traffic engineers .
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