Example sentences of "this [noun sg] have [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Interest in this field has expanded in recent years , along with interest in speech recognition and optical character recognition ( OCR ) , especially with the advances in technology .
2 This course has proved of great value to students with little or no knowledge of the ancient languages , especially those whose interests are mainly in English or other European literatures , or in art history .
3 So far , this chapter has dealt with ninth-century perceptions of the working of politics at the centre , through palace-organisation and general assemblies .
4 Much of this thinking has emanated from neo-Marxist debate , a paradigm that is reiterated in Chapter 10 .
5 IN RECENT weeks , this column has focused on Earth-shattering issues , such as the international arms trade , and the West 's relations with the Third World .
6 In recent years there have been some significant advances in studying the auditory system , especially in the analysis of computational maps that recode intensity and phase differences in the two ears into the representation of auditory space ( Knudsen , DuLac , and Esterly 1987 ) , but this work has focused on subcortical mechanisms .
7 Of France 's total agricultural land of around 35 million hectares ( excluding forested land ) , about 14 million hectares is under permanent grassland ( 40% ) and this proportion has remained about steady since World War II .
8 It is possible for hot iron to crack under a stream of cold water ( ie , from fire brigade emergency action ) , but cases where this circumstance has led to premature structural collapse are rare .
9 This theme has run through white papers ( HMSO , 1985 ; 1986a ) , statements from central-government ministers ( Rumbold , 1986 ) , and has increasingly impinged on the urban debate .
10 Initially his management of this crisis had met with high levels of popular approval , but as the conflict dragged on it became a damaging symbol of American weakness and presidential ineptitude with polls clearly revealing the public 's dissatisfaction with Carter 's performance .
11 This kidnapper has asked for uncut rough ‘ melees ’ of one-fifth of a carat to half a carat , and of medium quality .
12 This rediscovery has come through historical exhibitions held recently at New York 's DIA Center for the Arts ( 1988–89 ) , Claude Berri 's RENN Espace d'Art Contemporain in Paris ( 1991–92 ) and at the Hallen für Neue Kunst , Schaffhausen , where Ryman 's art has been prominently featured for several years and a fresh installation opens shortly ( 2 May-31 October ) .
13 Although this strategy has met with limited success in terms of reducing the overall level ( Dunleavy , 1990 ) , it has had severe implications for the management of public sector organisations .
14 This paper has focused on residential services for youngsters with psycho-social problems .
15 This paper has focused upon various elements , as they are presently constituted , of the first two years of a new degree in Education .
16 Only a minority of immigrants to the United Kingdom have come from the New Commonwealth , and this minority has decreased in absolute terms , and even more in proportional terms , since the mid-1960s .
17 The traditional form of interaction with the user is purely through dialogue in which written messages present him with immediately available choices , or ask him to supply values for parameters in the program ; this approach has grown from individual tutorial CAI .
18 This interpretation has come under severe attack from Marxists and non-Marxists in the 1970s .
19 This concern has appeared in subsequent generations .
20 This growth has accelerated in recent years , much of it taking place in the 1970s and it has been concentrated more in the higher levels of the education system .
21 In 1972 the number of houses used as second homes in Britain as a whole was estimated at 372000 , but it is believed that this number has declined in recent years due to the inflation in house prices since that date .
22 Whilst this situation has changed in recent years , it will only be when local female populations attain the same educational standard as their male counter-parts and take a key role in management decisions that substantial progress will be made .
23 Each of the three hypotheses making up the theory of determinism to be expounded in the first part of this book has to do with mental events , which is to say events within consciousness .
24 While this book has concentrated on domestic rules applying to haulage operations , the sinking of the Herald of Free Enterprise off Zeebrugge harbour on the night of 6th March , 1987 , reminds the haulier that international rules and regulations covering compensation claims can seem very legalistic and not entirely reasonable .
25 Since becoming an Executive Agency in April 1991 , the increased local management and accountability arising from this status has led to considerable change in our structure , planning and management processes , financial systems and attitudes .
26 As the sections on industrial and housing development show , this dispersal has resulted in considerable problems as well as opportunities for the counties surrounding London .
27 But this system has run into severe problems of falling yields , weeds , and plant disease .
28 This system has remained in broad outline .
29 A considerable amount of statistical data in support of this thesis has accrued for developing countries from results of the World Fertility Survey , but published statistics for the more developed countries remain sparse .
30 It is no wonder that ordinary men and women throughout the country wish that Guy Fawkes had been successful when they consider the punishment that this House has levelled at ordinary men and women in a state of poverty .
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