Example sentences of "this [adv] [pron] [vb mod] [vb infin] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Well I do n't think anyone 's gon na get this so I 'll tell you .
2 I should be grateful for your comments on this so I can bring them before the Parish Council at their next meeting on 27th August .
3 I suppose if you put all this together you would say I 'm not exactly the archetypal Mills & Boon tall dark stranger when it comes to courting girls .
4 But this much I must tell you — ’ He looked around the chamber , as if expecting to see a silent listener at every corner .
5 The England manager watched film of the Arsenal striker 's clash with Tottenham 's David Howells that led to a Football Association charge of misconduct and said : ‘ If he is forced to miss some games because of this then it will give him a problem in terms of our next match .
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