Example sentences of "this [noun sg] [vb mod] [vb infin] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This route would have been wishful thinking to the classical organic chemist hut the reaction proceeds readily in the presence of rhodium , one of the rarest metals , and of iodine , which act together as a catalyst system .
2 This decision would have been complicated by the fact that Albert is also the part-owner of La Hollandaise .
3 Like Hutton in bygone times , Stewart seemed galvanised by the disasters occurring at the other end , but was never either intimidated into strokelessness or tempted into a reckless rescue bid , for such an endeavour against this bowling would have been futile .
4 However , the collection of this variety must have been considerable : Collinson noted on the back of a print of the Magnolia grandiflora flower in his copy of Catesby 's Natural History of Carolina , that there were twenty-nine of these trees at Goodwood in 1759 , two of them twenty feet high .
5 The significant results achieved using this text may have been specific to this domain and hence not necessarily repeatable in other domains ( i.e. the OALD may provide unusually good coverage of commercial or financial terminology ) .
6 ‘ The collection I showed this spring would have been unthinkable three years ago — so many dresses , so much evening wear .
7 This exile might have been permanent had Swegen not died in February 1014. Æthelred was invited back , and wasted little time in expelling Cnut and his army from their Lincolnshire base .
8 This result would have been different during the O'Keeffe frenzy of the mid-Eighties , when the painting would have sold , and probably for more .
9 This result could have been due to the inclusion of mostly elderly patients in the control group who may have been harbouring M tuberculosis from a primary asymptomatic tuberculous infection , which was common in their youth .
10 This scene would have been difficult to show in its entirety and the one example is a very poor copy found at Welney Fen , Norfolk .
11 ‘ I could say without doubt that this lady would have been alive today if she had not taken drugs at that party . ’
12 This lady must have been psychic or something , because in no time at all she was asking if I could enlarge necks on jumpers that other people had made too small to go over the head .
13 The work involved in writing this summation must have been back-breaking , and certainly took years of research .
14 This move would have been scientific if , for example , it had involved the prediction of a new kind of aberration in such a way that the existence of the new aberration could be tested by optical experiments .
15 It was this room may think is sparse but is almost over furnished by medieval standards .
16 The chase films swept away by this development may have been repetitive but they offered an excitement that no one can have secured from the sight of London stage actors running through potted silent versions of Shakespeare .
17 It is unlikely that this rate would have been acceptable to all members .
18 Coun leader John Williams says he was just following official policy and any attempt to re-establish links before the South African referendum later this month would have been premature .
19 By what route this strategy will proceed is unclear — technology swapping , OEM or other — however , the company admits that it probably would have been a good idea had Tandem Computers Inc and Pyramid had meshed their respective hardware and Unix software experience in that area two years ago .
20 A man of lesser integrity and lesser … care for the welfare of this paper might have been stubborn and even resigned because of so divergent a set of opinions between himself and his proprietor .
21 If there was any substance in the argument that high quantity was necessary to bring about a certain level of quality , this retrenchment would have been disastrous .
22 Part of this success must have been due to the Dottridges ' persuasive advertising :
23 And if so , some manifestation of this concern would have been welcome .
24 The estimates of infective dose were from studies in guineapigs , and this model might have been misleading since the lethal dose may be as small as 2400 organisms and as large as 100,000 , although about 130 organisms can cause an infection .
25 Without initial support , this transition would have been impractical .
26 The results of this survey would have been entertaining were it not for the fact that this is such a serious subject .
27 Their meeting in this year could have been chilly , then , but fortunately it was not : " Possum more relaxed this year , " Pound wrote to Ernest Hemingway , " last year rather edgy … "
28 Yet anyone who cocked an ear to their self-titled debut EP earlier this year will have been impressed by how un-English it was , both in its rough-hewn melancholic tangle — most obviously echoing both Buffalo Tom and the N-band , though not actually resembling either — and the absence of what has now become the standard English guitar-band attitude : jumped-up barrow boys jostling those same old post-punk moves , all looking out for the main chance and a quick route to the charts .
29 A much smoother implementation of this system would have been possible if the team had been involved much earlier and/or more forward planning for computerisation had been possible .
30 While this system may have been satisfactory when inflation was negligible , it has been seen as more of a disadvantage in recent years .
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