Example sentences of "this [noun sg] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 which effectively determined this case in the courts below and it is the law as so stated which the appellant prosecutor now challenges as an unwarranted judicial gloss upon the statutory language , as opposed to a legitimate construction of it .
2 lintel this side of the toilets now ,
3 I got in this chemist in the shops there did n't I ?
4 Is it that she , she 's , she 's , she 's wondering what will happen to her family or children if they go abroad , or is she thinking that each country in the Community , perhaps having some special erm excellence of its own , ought to be shedding this example among the others so that we all raise ourselves to a common , higher level ?
5 There was a massive concentration of scientific effort in this area in the decades immediately following the general acceptance of evolutionism .
6 Congress , I understand the C E C are accepting this resolution for the qualifications so I will be brief .
7 Although funding has been a problem for some flexible trainees in the past , these new arrangements should improve this aspect of the arrangements considerably .
8 The Indians have cultivated this region of the emotions more than other people and their word for one of the phenomena is bhavana .
9 ( F ) The Absence of a claim or of notice of accident by a Policyholder or other person indemnified by such Policy shall not prevent the operation of this Agreement between the parties hereto .
10 The Conservative Group put forward proposals to give this power to the schools as soon as possible , as Councillor did say , and many of our schools took advantage , around fifty percent I believe .
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