Example sentences of "this [noun sg] [conj] it [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There is just one observation I wish to make to the Committee this afternoon and it actually goes about the whole issue of the planning aspect of what 's gone on .
2 We were n't alone in having such ideas ; many Swedes prefer this philosophy because it also gets you away from the Germans .
3 ‘ We feel that the whole country is willing Tim to win this battle and it really does help us because without that we would have started to disintegrate over this last couple of days .
4 The material which has been gathered supports this contention and it also raises a number of issues concerning the needs of staff , as well as students , at a time when the total quality of the teaching/learning experience is assuming a certain prominence throughout the HE sector .
5 The graphics are much improved in this game and it also uses a scrolling screen , which means you get to where you are going a lot faster .
6 ‘ We are planning to electrofish the North Oxford junction later this month but it really depends on the weather .
7 Ipswich have used the new rolling substitutes rule to their advantage this season but it often means that the first choice players are only off the pitch for five or ten minutes at a time .
8 The scheme , which also includes £60 per goal , was only introduced this season and it certainly has proved a success .
9 His study on psychoanalysis was crucial in this respect and it still provides the basic model for the particular notion of social representation ( Moscovici , 1976 ) .
10 The coming of sound was probably crucial in this respect as it obviously placed a new emphasis on the contemporary American voice and on contemporary settings , which were in any case cheaper than conventional sets .
11 The Oxford dictionary gives minimal comfort for using the word in this manner and it surely strikes the UK ear as pompous or worse , over-zealous .
12 I am convinced that the probable long-term — and not all that long -collective effect of this Bill as it now stands will be to inflict serious damage on the quality of justice in this country …
13 The move towards the Single European Market only highlights this trend but it also presents both problems of conflict and opportunities for complementarity between the developing environmental policies of the EC and the envisaged growth in trade and erosion of trade barriers that the creation of the SEM involves .
14 Please encourage people to contribute to this fund as it consistently fails to cover the annual costs of the education of our students for the priesthood .
15 Paris may have slipped behind Birmingham in the calendar this year but it hardly seemed to matter .
16 And that not only talks in this country but it also has the loudest listening audience .
17 Move on now to look at an area that 's er not frequently er does n't impinge a great deal on life in this country but it certainly does for travellers and for many people in the developing world .
18 The ILP was so worried by this possibility that it eventually disassociated itself from calls for dockers to boycott coal and oil shipments to Italy for fear that ‘ working-class sanctions ’ could not be distinguished publicly from League sanctions and would help to create a psychology for war against Italy . ’
19 It would also be in line with previous EC VAT measures , but the art trade is adamantly opposed to this option and it also argues that its combination with the margin scheme is unworkable .
20 The presence of shallow marine sediments of Late Cretaceous age indicate that the region was below sea level at this time and it apparently did not emerge until the Early Cenozoic .
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