Example sentences of "this [noun sg] [conj] i [vb base] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I am slightly embarrassed by this story but I fear it should be told .
2 I c I , I tell this story cos I think it illustrates it very much , I expect most of you have er if you have n't been you 've heard of Dale in Derbyshire , and it 's this river with a , a lovely walk either side of the river , you walk along the side and then you come to the point where there 's a bend in the river and there 's these gorgeous great enormous stepping stones .
3 ‘ If you mean because it 's your day off , there are no days off during this case unless I decide I can spare you . ’
4 so er that 's old is it Shepherd and Metzler No it 's not in this case but I think they invented the task , yes they did good old Shepherd and Metzler
5 I no more say who I am in this case than I say I 'm off to my wife 's right in the lost-in-cloud case .
6 Okay Noel thank you for your er your time and being a good sport this afternoon and I hear you have a little one you had better go back and sort things out .
7 Well run councils will flourish as a result of this settlement and I offer them every encouragement to do so .
8 Customer 5 : ‘ What happens if my daughter does n't like this jumper when I get it home ? ’
9 There are many good makes of boots in this category though I think I would opt for a pair of Scarpa boots because they will accept the wonderful Yeti gaiters ( £50 ) and are excellent in their own right .
10 ‘ I realise you love this car and I know you 're tired , ’ she said , determinedly hauling him out , ‘ but I 'd be grateful if you could save this until we 're in the house and in the dry . ’
11 ‘ I 'm going to produce this movie and I want you to direct it . ’
12 The last but one day of this programme and I hope you are feeling good .
13 One very quick point , sorry erm I do n't want to sound as if I feel I can but er I welcome your comment at the beginning the condition be be left out on what 's going on because I thought this was actually the key function of this committee and I mean I see these are being decision has been taken .
14 I hope councillor has n't been puzzling about this question because I think she should have had adequate warning erm the cycling part of working party was agreed by city board on the ninth of on the seventh of December is to come to an end and such work has er relates to cycling within a new transport working party .
15 If you really can not talk then you can write your replies , but I am not leaving this room until I have them .
16 Madam Deputy Speaker I only wanted to make a short intervention er er on this point and I think I will return to it from time to time because it is a perennial , annual problem of every time the minister introduces a a rule and regulation we can understand it 's extremely useful and how can one say that er regulations about fraud are not useful , it 's just the culture of our country has been besieged by these rules and regulations and I 'm surprised that anybody can actually make any profit or do any business simply because of the weight of officialdom and the weight of rules and regulations which prevents them from getting above er the the surface .
17 The 32-year-old Londoner has yet to secure a contract with the team for 1994 , and after finishing second to fellow Williams ' driver Alain Prost in yesterday 's opening qualifying session , said : ‘ I have had a fantastic opportunity with this team and I believe they will be the team to beat again next year .
18 Perhaps you 'd like to stick around and watch this happening because I remember you subbing once for an etching lesson .
19 I came this morning because I think you may be able to help me from your knowledge-of the family and of the area .
20 Well the question as far as inset er is concerned , we 've we 've already touched on this morning and I believe it was discussed yesterday .
21 Beyond this , current sensations converge with knowledge and memory and desire to make sense of the experience of the present : I not only experience this object but I recognize it — as something of a certain kind ; as yours , as mine , as something I have seen before ; and it means something to me in terms of my appetites and needs and ambitions .
22 Williams added : ‘ At this moment in time it is a relegation match but it is n't one we particularly fear — I 've played against them this season and I know they 're not the Forest of old .
23 Hall said : ‘ We must get up this season and I believe we will .
24 obviously we 've got to work together on all , are you listening to me ? , on all the different parts of the body , you want them all to come alive , okay , so , this week as I say we 're gon na concentrate on sound , sound , sound , sound , you 've got to play on sound that is the painting , I mean the , the pictures do you , alright that 's fine , at the same does n't matter we 've still got to work on different things , yeah , okay ? , erm , so , as I say we 're going to make a sound machine in different groups , now to give you an example , what I what you to do is be , I 'm going to give you a situation , give , choose a profession , okay , let's say we are in hospital , now I want you each and everyone of you in this group think of the situation , think of a sound that one might hear in a hospital , everyone to themselves just think of a sound , could be a patient screaming , it could be a heart machine , it could be , er exactly , could be that , could be absolutely anything , it could sirens , it could be anything , okay , for everyone I want you to have the sound in your head okay , everyone 's got a sound in their head ?
25 I MADE one of my rare visits to town this week and I wish I had not .
26 But that actually occurred this week and I think we 're gon na see more of that .
27 I think he said er he , he 's got ta pay his road tax this week and I think he said it was two hundred and seventy five
28 So on that ground I feel would be very worried by by promoting the right to buy , erm I 've said everything I want to I did n't really want to elongate this this er this debate and I think it 's but I think , I do n't believe that Councillor mentioned the the the er the .
29 Sue Baring , finding it difficult to conceal her disappointment , thanked a similar list of people before ending : ‘ I do think the result is uncomfortable for many sections of this society and I hope I will be free to fight for all those who may well lose out as a result of this election . ’
30 They have differences and similarities in dealing with this subject and I think they both succeed in making their readers consider the subject more deeply .
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