Example sentences of "this [noun sg] [conj] [pron] [vb base] n't " in BNC.

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1 Children learn the " hidden " curriculum very quickly — in this case that you do n't mean what you say !
2 Well , we 're still trying to get them through the Police Authority but we are making provision through this budget if we do n't , yeah
3 There 's a national debate going on t we 're not gon na crack it here this afternoon and I do n't want to get in there but I just wanted to put the other side of the er of the coin to that .
4 Cos one two two or three things associated with this contract if you do n't if you surprise them with erm with them face to face and you do n't tell them on the phone they 'll blow you out .
5 No the money I want to spend , I 've partly already written back and said , can I use this money as we do n't need it can I buy chairs , I was specific .
6 Do you know I actually listened to some of this tape and I do n't half sound different on the taped , the real me
7 I do n't know whether David would agree , but my experience as a teacher was that I certainly encountered , I realize now , in my teaching career , children with dyslexia and yet no-one had told me , in my training , anything about this condition and I do n't think I was in a position until later , in a sense , to recognise that I had seen children with this difficulty .
8 I hope I will , that we will have support in it on this issue and I do n't want to take up all the time but it is something that members do approach me in , and and others on the members ' services sub and I hope we have time Chairman to er give this report some consideration and let's say it 's a v , it 's a very important if you Chairman want any additionals to the recommendations , or if you say we 're going too far in the recommendations because those recommendations you have down in front of you will be forwarded on and you 're officers and your your your policies and resources they 've given some time on on this report and therefore on the bottom of page thirty one the motion to be moved says that the comments of the policy and resources committee and the recommendations of the joint working party and the internal management of the local authorities be noted for submission to the Association of County Councils as appropriate .
9 There are alot of old people living in this village and we do n't want it here .
10 No it , we took it to this bloke and I do n't know what he 's done with it because it played before we took it and when he , he said it were n't worth doing and when we brought it back it wo n't even roll now even play now will it ?
11 The last council yes and why not and this council and we have n't heard the end of it yet , well I 'll be coming to that bit do n't rush , do n't rush me We did ask the Secretary of State not to impose V A T on fuel and light because of the hardship it would impose on the people and in particular elderly pensioners , sick and invalids .
12 I think , this group but we do n't want to attack it .
13 It is at this point that I do n't know if I can help , or if I have somehow wounded him too badly .
14 I 've only known you since first thing this morning and I have n't had time to take everything in .
15 Erm I 've said previously in this enquiry that I do n't agree with the County Council 's erm notes on on E Ten , but really I I think that .
16 Mitchell is also an ‘ old soldier ’ at this game but I do n't expect him to make any headlines .
17 You have to know how to keep ahead of this game if you do n't want to wind up in a wooden trenchcoat .
18 Also the meeting was not a year ago as your report states , but only this month and we do n't say that Thornaby should not be part of Stockton borough .
19 So you know it 's all I 'm meant to be seeing that Heather one day this week but I have n't rung her .
20 You 're telling me all this guff and you have n't even read what I wrote .
21 I have to try this method because I do n't have a jiggler and a smashed glass is hard to hide .
22 on the so called secret road , where , where 's the so called secret road go , it 's been in the Evening Star we have asked the , the Borough Council list and the Borough er the Council has asked erm for information of this road and they have n't even been replied to .
23 I ca n't do this crossword because I do n't know any American poets .
24 Never get anything done in this life if you do n't chance your arm . ’
25 Therefore , I would see from a public point of view a substantial expenditure on this subject and I do n't think necessarily a level cuts from county planners .
26 We suspect that he may know something about the downing of this plane that we do n't know he knows , if you follow me .
27 Now one of the things that we have in this city that I do n't think they have as many in Ipswich are students and that must be one of the biggest , they are they party revellers of the century , they have parties all the time .
28 I did n't , in fact , comment on this letter and I do n't see it as my job to stand in judgement or to moralise — though I 'll fervently agree it 's sad that a young girl takes such an apparently casual view of life : her own and her unborn baby 's .
29 a nice person , I did n't know this , I found it in resources , but this , I sent for this book and I do n't , Rod 's referred to it I think and is now this bit .
30 Now I 'm standing here in this thing and I do n't even know if I 've got it on back to front or not . ’
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