Example sentences of "by [v-ing] [noun pl] [conj] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Tobacco advertisers nevertheless reach a collective readership of 7mn such women by using magazines that do n't fall within the tight definition in the agreement ; and they increased their spend on cigarette advertising in women 's magazines by 10% in real terms between 1984 and 1988 .
2 The plan aims to reduce driving by bringing homes and work closer together .
3 Derrida himself , therefore , does not in any sense abjure history ( or totality ) but rather attempts to reinscribe it by writing histories that set up supplementary figures whose logic simultaneously invokes and works against historical totalities .
4 Workers at all levels add value not solely or even mostly by tending machines and carrying out routines , but by continuously discovering opportunities for improvement in product and process .
5 It is a team game played by picking cards and describing as many entries before the timer runs out .
6 Long-term capital is mainly that provided by selling shares as described above and by retaining profits within the company .
7 Long-term capital is mainly that provided by selling shares as described above and by retaining profits within the company .
8 By buying woods and planting out broadleaf trees to create new woods , the Trust now owns 11,500 acres of woodland across 56 counties in Britain .
9 Sir , — In reply to the letter headed Ugly anti-hunt shock tactics , may I say that the aim of the Surrey Wildlife Protection Group is to enlighten the public to the true facts , by displaying posters and handing out leaflets .
10 If you have sex with men for a living , it is crucial to have safer sex — either by using a condom for penetrative intercourse or by providing services that do not risk his blood or semen getting into your vagina or rectum e.g. masturbation and fantasy sex .
11 Typically for the Piaroa , the women are not warned against seeing the instruments with a threat of rape ; rather , it is said that if a woman should see the flutes , the entire village must commit mass suicide by joining hands and jumping off a cliff ( and I must admit that their reasoning on this is not clear to me ) .
12 The linguistic model will provide the basis of the narrative model , and Todorov justifies this procedure by making claims that go far beyond the usual assumptions of structuralism .
13 The £25 million cost will be met by raising prices and selling off some of the little-used hostels .
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