Example sentences of "by [v-ing] [prep] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Despite heavy attacks on Iraqi airfields , many of the country 's 700 planes were successful in avoiding destruction by relocating to bases in the north of the country and by taking refuge in reinforced underground shelters .
2 For example , theory shows that financing a service by an annually-negotiated budget will result in a higher level of provision of the service than would be socially optimal , and higher than would be provided by financing through charges to the user .
3 Sir Ron Brierley , who had a tilt at Britain 's Ocean Transport & Trading has survived and prospered by sticking to investments with the safe and reassuring backing of secure assets .
4 Uniform provision is replaced by targeting of services at the most needy .
5 The proposals also describe how the traditional river assessment methods , as used in the survey , could be substantially improved by drawing on information about the water 's biological state .
6 Lingering public images of them as men with heathery legs have been swept aside now that they are forced to protect their livelihoods by keeping in touch with the movement of sterling against the franc — or even the deutschmark against the lira .
7 Hijackers who had stolen a load of leather jackets attracted attention by driving at 40mph on the M2 near Sittingbourne , Kent .
8 Geraldine Percy ended the male domination at the Mechanic 's Institute club , in Skinnergate , by applying for membership alongside the distinguished gentlemen who maintain the 150-year-old traditions .
9 So , in a week that found Hooker registering his fourth UK album success , it could hardly come as a complete surprise to find ol' John Lee celebrating 43 years of chart activity by appearing on Top Of The Pops .
10 They are blessed with good humour and bring luck to mortal miners by knocking at spots behind the seam faces where rich ore lodes may be found .
11 Cuts into the cylinder reveal the structure by slicing off part of the engulfing glass and steel .
12 On May 22 a 25-year old man committed suicide in Kwangju by leaping in flames from the roof of the mortuary building which contained the body of Park Seung Hee .
13 Here I intend to extend and develop the analysis by looking at differentiation as the product of a process of under development in the sense in which that word is used by Cleaver ( 1977 ) .
14 The different sorts of interpretation of teaching quality this sort of framework suggests can be illustrated by looking at explanations for the development and persistence of transmission teaching that have been presented within that framework .
15 We will begin by looking at intonation in the shortest piece of speech we can find — the single syllable .
16 I suggest that the answer to this can be found by looking to theories of the family and to legal structures .
17 This project tries to offer some answers by looking in depth at the case of the Georgians since 1953 ( the death of Stalin ) .
18 By looking in detail at the different responses this process elicited , I want to raise some questions about reading as a specific social activity .
19 ‘ We are hoping that our two new friends will assist us by acting as emissaries to the Court , ’ said Goibniu and , turning his head , smiled at Floy .
20 Unix International is trying to head off further fragmentation in the industry by acting as peacemaker between the new desktop rivals SunSoft Inc and Unix System Laboratories Inc , anticipating some compatibility issues before the mud-slinging turns nasty .
21 Shot in high contrast black and white , on location in Rome , Venice and Morocco , it was financed with money Wells made by acting in films like The Third Man and The Black Rose .
22 Open-market operations ( the purchase and sale of money market securities by the Bank of England ) can have a number of effects : in the short term it can have the effect of tilting the yield curve both upwards and downwards ; in the longer term , by leading to changes in the money supply , it can influence inflationary expectations which in turn can affect the level of the yield curve .
23 Last year , as deputies tried to dislodge him , he counter-attacked by forcing through elections to the new post of President .
24 Nissan , having launched two attractive new models in the Primera , which replaces the Bluebird , and the new Sunny ( now called Pulsar ) , and having established a highly productive and effective factory in the north-east to make them , now seems to be attempting to undo all it has achieved by going to war with the key to successful sales , the dealer network .
25 But whereas her father earned the respect of his people by staying in London throughout the Blitz , the Queen has few positive personal achievements to show for her four decades on the throne .
26 Bitstream are intending to get round this limitation by getting in league with the various page description language manufacturers and producing real-time fonts through their languages but as none of these are currently delivering we will have to wait in order to judge the result .
27 His team punctuated the evening by breaking into song to the accompaniment of the Goanese United Band , entering into ‘ the spirit of the music with much gusto ’ .
28 However I had no wish to disappoint everyone concerned by postponing by visit to the Palace and , with a lot of help from friends and family I finally made it to London on the great day albeit a shadow of my former self .
29 He ended by calling for reform of the curia to include many more qualified lay people .
30 They are equipped with high resolution visual display screens and , as well as keyboards , graphic input devices to allow users to communicate with their machines by pointing to information on the screens .
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