Example sentences of "by [v-ing] [conj] [pron] [is] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Equipped by Morag Hood with an accent that sounds strangely reminiscent of Edward Fox as the Duke of Windsor , Vivien stops Walter in his tracks by announcing that she is pregnant .
2 If the aggressiveness and bullying continues , though , make your disapproval plain by explaining that it 's naughty and that you 're disappointed in her .
3 You can ensure a cartridge paper or pad is acid free ( pH7 ) by asking if it is wood-free .
4 As it stands , this maximin problem is not an LP but it can be made into one by observing that it is equivalent to maximising subject to min and the constraints .
5 But it was a rather confused piece of reasoning as his article began by conceding that there is strong support for the development of labour policies in the North .
6 This is a difficult question that will be examined more fully later ; for the present I will answer it ( rather unsatisfactorily ) by saying that it is unusual for a syllable said on a level pitch to be so prominent that it would be described as carrying a level tone .
7 We often justify the fact that routinely-collected information is seldom used by saying that it is unreliable .
8 The therapist can help such ventilation or expression of emotions by indicating that it is normal and appropriate both to have and to show such feelings .
9 The velocity variance on these scales , can be estimated by assuming that it is equal to the squared bulk flow measured on this scale , .
10 We must combat it with the weapons of faith by showing that it is possible to have a balanced , intelligent faith which offers hope and healing .
11 These kinds of account , which span the blurred borderland between social psychology and sociology , in effect justify the ‘ abnormality ’ of disabled people by claiming that it is inevitable .
12 By thinking that everything is final — that it must pass your own " quality control " test — you greatly reduce the likelihood of producing any work at all .
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