Example sentences of "by [noun prp] [coord] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 An HIV-1 3' 8600–9227 fragment with a 22 nt poly(A) tail was generated by PCR and inserted between the Kpn I and Xho I sites of bluescript. pHIVCG8.6 RNA was prepared by T3 RNA polymerase transcription of Xho I linearized DNA .
2 Here use can be made of a semi-empirical approach suggested by Hildebrand and based on the premise that ‘ like dissolves like ’ .
3 A plan to expand preferential trade tariffs as a means of integrating the region was opposed by Mexico and led to the adjournment of the meeting of the Latin American Association for Integration ( ALADI ) held in Mexico City on May 1-2 , 1990 .
4 Two needlework cushions with tassels designed by David and made by a friend sit happily with a traditional Amish quilt .
5 The post is sponsored by MoMart and culminates with an exhibition of my work at the Gallery in August/September '91 .
6 Schoenberg was also an expressive painter , admired by Kandinsky and hung in the 1911 Blaue Reiter group exhibition .
7 About a third of these scripts are , in turn , derived from BBC Horizon programmes which are bought or co-produced by Nova and shown in the series .
8 The workshop was supported by WACC-LA/C and organised by the communication and education group ECO ( Educación y Comunicaciones ) which is a member of WACC based in Santiago .
9 The G-7 had reportedly been divided over rescheduling , with Germany ( by far the largest creditor ) opposing the five-year delay which was requested by Russia and backed by the USA .
10 The conference , on 22nd and 23rd March at the London International Book Fair , organised by Meckler and sponsored by The Bookseller , attracted over 300 representatives from British and European publishers and agents .
11 One minute they were pushing forward a couple of tentative singles on their own label ( The Far Out Recording Company ) , the next they were being pressganged by Polydor and trailed across the press following the release of their debut album , The Eight Legged Groove Machine .
12 Until the end of April Margot Gordon and Marcello Aldega will be showing a number of pictures from their 1992 catalogue , including : Fra Bartolommeo 's ‘ Holy Family with the infant St John the Baptist ’ dated by Chris Fisher to around 1515–16 ; a ‘ Nativity with Saints ’ by Penni , attributed by Nicholas Turner ; a late ‘ Male Profile ’ by Parmigianino , possibly a self-portrait ; a ‘ Putto ’ by Annibale Carracci , attributed by Oberhuber and relating to the upper part of the S. Gregorio altarpiece , Bologna ; two sheets by Simone Cantarini , ‘ Jove and Ganymede ’ and a ‘ Male figure ’ .
13 The best description of this journey is to be found in Satyrane 's Letters , written by Coleridge and reprinted at the end of Biographia Literaria .
14 Within the Russian republic the Communists for Democracy movement , led by Rutskoi and formed at the March-April 1991 Russian Congress of People 's Deputies [ for which see pp. 38130-31 ] , announced on July 10 that it was to form a political party .
15 In February , the first , the Almirante Brown , was handed over by Blohm and Voss to the Argentinian navy in a quiet ceremony on deck .
16 It was a high , sung Mass , composed by Palestrina and performed by the finest musicians in Portugal .
17 Yet another reveals that a fanciful sculptured clock at Waddesdon previously regarded as French is also by Giuseppe and related to a fascinating sequence of designs .
18 In 1972 he telephoned Vlitos , having read a scientific paper by Khan and Hough about the chlorinated sugars .
19 HMS Norfolk , the first of the ‘ Duke ’ class Type 23 frigates , was built by Yarrow and accepted into the Royal Navy last month .
20 The idea was originated by Guinness and produced by a team of technical experts led by Anthony Daniels , an actor best known for his role as the golden robot C3PO in the Star Wars series of films .
21 The conference also resolved to express concern over the nuclear " threat " posed by Israel and to press for a nuclear-free zone in the Middle East .
22 She believed in the reality of something ordained by God and described in a book of Holy Scripture read and remembered for thousands of years ; whereas he believed in the reality of something described in the pages of Saunder 's News-Letter & daily Advertiser , which people were unlikely to remember the very next morning .
23 This is surely the self spoken of in modern terms as the ego , the lower nature which St Paul urges Christians to crucify , so that the true self , created by God and nourished by the Spirit of Christ , may take over .
24 Hugh Bayley , York 's Labour candidate hoping to overturn Conservative Conal Gregory 's slim 147 majority , said Labour would order the trains needed by BR and invest in a punctual , clean , public service railway .
25 Like Dean , Landau had studied the Method approach to acting devised by Stanislavski and modified for the Actors Studio by Lee Strasberg .
26 Both events led to controversy : fingerprints found at the assassination site were not , as claimed , those of an IRA suspect but of a detective ; Herrema 's release after a lengthy siege followed an agreement with his kidnappers , signed by Garvey but repudiated by the gardai .
27 The attempt by the English Crown Prosecution Service to obtain the confiscation of the benefits obtained by Randle and Pottle from the publication of their book raises a number of important questions about the nature , scope and purpose of the legislation which permits such actions .
28 Besides the detail I illustrate ( fig. 48 ) a fragment of another vase painted by Kleitias and dedicated on the Acropolis , where the surface is better preserved .
29 Melissa slipped indoors to wash her face and hands ; it was important to appear normal , as any hint of agitation would be pounced on by Iris and lead to a cross-examination .
30 This is being sponsored by Scotmid and to coincide with the display there will be horse drawn tours of the High Street , run in conjunction with Scotmid and using one of their working carriages .
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