Example sentences of "by [art] [adj] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 And , by the same token , the emergence of language is made possible by the developmental achievements of the first two years .
2 Violation of the treaty would be justified by the collective interests of the international community .
3 Ahmed Ould Daddah was supported in his campaign by the main opposition party , the Union of Democratic Forces ( Union des forces démocratiques — UFD ) ; by the Islamic fundamentalists of the Umma Party , banned but still influential among the Arab merchants of the capital , Nouakchott ; and by the Nasserists , the Democratic Justice Party and the Democratic Centre Party ( whose own candidate , Benba Ould Sidi Badi , withdrew ) .
4 Within a few weeks of the outbreak of war , the Luftwaffe had a new name for the east coast of Scotland where the skies were patrolled by the young men of the City of Glasgow Squadron , and its leaders , Wing Commander Farquhar , Group Captain the Duke of Hamilton , and Squadron Leader Johnstone .
5 He was feared as much by the family ( owing to a vicious temper ) as he was by the young men of the district .
6 the device remained popular for a century after its invention , finding particular favour in France , where , according to one account , it sold so quickly at a fair in Paris that the stallholder was hustled out of town by the young men of the city who saw their favourite quarry rapidly being locked away .
7 [ … ] However the problem with regulation , as US experience testifies , is that the regulatory agency can become captured by the political interests of the industry it is regulating and fail to act as the guardian of consumers ' interests .
8 Nonetheless , the circumstances of each nation state are sufficiently varied , for the choice of when to apply which policy — or combination of policies — to be influenced by the political interests behind the government of the day .
9 In defence of the industries , however , one has to make an allowance for the social costs of policies ( such as maintaining an uneconomic rail service for a community or loss-making plants in areas of high unemployment ) and for decisions on pricing , investment , and employment which are shaped in part by the political calculations of the government of the day .
10 The developments which threaten the World Cup as we have come to know it are an increased concentration of the economic wealth of football in a handful of countries , the more intrusive role of television and its hand-maiden , advertising , and the blurring of national identities created by the political upheavals around the world .
11 And , as the second and third generation of Arab-Americans began to look back across the Atlantic , they were joined by a new wave of immigrants from the Middle East , many of them Lebanese , Palestinians and Iraqis displaced by the political upheavals in the region .
12 October is already being earmarked by the political parties as the likely month .
13 In large measure , the nineteenth-century labour movement could be regarded — and regarded itself — as a continuation of the democratic movement , this continuity being expressed even in the name ‘ social democratic ’ which was widely adopted by the political parties of the working class .
14 But what remains at any one time provides a crystallised record of the society 's received wisdom transmuted to some extent , of course , by the political intrusions of the democratic process and Christian tradition .
15 As the pace of economic exploitation quickened in the nineteenth century the forests were depleted , the ravages of the woodmen being supplemented by the destructive habits of the goats kept by the peasants .
16 Some cathedrals now follow a lectionary which provides for shorter excerpts from the Psalter and have been affected by the liturgical changes of the recent past .
17 However , the effect is just as attractive , and perhaps the beauty of the design is actually enhanced by the slight discrepancies in the shapes of leaves and flowers .
18 At night , the Verdun sky resembled a ‘ stupendous Aurora Borealis ’ , but by day the only splashes of colour that one French soldier-artist could find were the rose tints displayed by the frightful wounds of the horses lying scattered about the approach routes , lips pulled back over jaws in the hideousness of death .
19 They heard the geese know when to fly North , and when to fly South and navigate by the stars and by the lay lines in the earth , it 's just is n't it magical ?
20 Mr Millan disclosed that the EC wanted the committee to be composed of 150 elected local representatives but had been overruled by the European leaders at the Maastricht summit .
21 Diamonds at Kimberley and gold on the Witwatersrand transformed the situation in Southern Africa , and great railway schemes became an inseparable part of the partition of Africa by the European powers in the 1880s and 1890s .
22 The insects ( mainly Lepidoptera ) and birds that do so can not directly sense the superior environment of the north ( in the spring ) , but its superiority , on average , is guaranteed by the predictable changes of the seasons .
23 The wealth and variety of the input material and the challenge of the assignments are complemented by the language-based activities in the Deskwork .
24 It was both extended and refined by the successive reports of the Development Team for the mentally handicapped and through the work of Simon .
25 Although born in South Africa , Holmes à Court became one of several Australian multi-million dollar entrepreneurs who profited from stock market dealing under the climate of laissez faire capitalism created during the 1980s by the successive governments of the Australian Labor Party .
26 From the top floors you can be inspired by the panoramic views across the City and from all the floors you , can look out onto a vast covered court .
27 In addition , the Tories are being squeezed by the Liberal Democrats in the South-West .
28 In this section we examine the contribution to the crisis that has been made by the sentencing decisions of the courts .
29 The light above her was remote and useless , blocked off by the triangular edges of the staircase .
30 Now the First Law of Thermodynamics states that the increase in internal energy of a body is equal to the work done by the external forces plus the heat given to the body .
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