Example sentences of "by [art] [noun sg] [conj] [pron] has " in BNC.

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1 Further , the word ‘ communion ’ , a term again involving a verbal identification of Church and Eucharist , was so much used by the Council that it has subsequently been seen to express the Council 's ecclesiology most profoundly and has been made great use of in such documents as those of ARCIC .
2 This will raise issues of interpretation of the disputes clause and an investigation of the type of dispute , which , unless some other provision is made in the contract , can be resolved only by the court if it has jurisdiction , or by arbitrators or a supervisory arbitral body , or possibly not at all .
3 a warranty by the auctioneer that he has authority to sell ,
4 As he showed all his form on fast ground last season he will not be bothered by the going but he has to give 15lb to Bonnie Artist .
5 As he showed all his form on fast ground last season he will not be bothered by the going but he has to give 15lb to Bonnie Artist .
6 ‘ Partly that has been caused by the recession but it has also been triggered by technological advances .
7 In favour of the marginal cost argument , it is submitted by the taxpayer that there has to be a causal link between the benefit in kind taxed under section 61(1) and its ‘ cash equivalent : ’ section 63(1) defines the cash equivalent of the benefit as being an amount equal to the cost of the benefit .
8 This lightly raced four-year-old may have been underrated by the handicapper as he has twice been beaten since he made a winning debut at Doncaster late in the 1991 season as a two-year-old .
9 In an early episode of Hill Street Blues the ‘ joke ’ of a ‘ nut ’ who thinks he is Dracula , complete with cape and thirst for blood , is caught out by the discovery that he has hanged himself in his cell .
10 A paper by the Russian scientist D. Ivanovsky , published in 1892 and often regarded as the beginning of the science of virology , describes how a disease of tobacco plants can be transmitted by the sap after it has passed through a filter capable of retaining bacteria and other particles .
11 In the same way , a horse 's communication with us will be influenced by the knowledge that it has acquired from other horses ; sometimes to its advantage and sometimes not .
12 Self-administration is important because it implies the acceptance by the patient that he has diabetes and realises the importance of self-reliance .
13 Nor has he mentioned the breathlessness suffered by the patient after he has inhaled the cholera poison ! "
14 The materials which eventually evolved from this study include a questionnaire devised by the group and which has subsequently been used as a basis for further in-service training sessions in their schools .
15 Examples of the last of these are , consumption of the goods by the seller or a resale of them by the seller when he has no right to re-sell .
16 Disputes that arise when a sale is not completed often centre around allegations by the vendor that it has incurred costs such as commissioning an accountant 's report on the express understanding that the purchaser would reimburse the cost if the transaction failed .
17 I am sure that the House has demonstrated its feelings on the matter in relation to the hon. and learned Gentleman by the reception that he has just received .
18 It is a technically very difficult problem compounded by the fact that one has no idea of what to look for , and the quantities may be minute .
19 The verb metaphor is further characterized by the fact that it has no direct link to its proper term , but acts on the noun of which it is the predicate ; in the case of the transitive verb it can also act on its direct and indirect objects .
20 Anderson attempts a show of strength by using the IFID , " I demand " five times and " I insist " once , but his insecurity is indicated by the fact that he has to support his demands by asserting that he has the status permitting him to make these speech acts .
21 This criterion does not apply to the pronouns he and she ( do n't be fooled by the fact that she has more letters ; it still has only two sounds ) .
22 The disclosure comes after last night 's announcement by the UVF that it has lifted its death threat against prison officers .
23 The disclosure comes after last night 's announcement by the UVF that it has lifted its death threat against prison officers .
24 The small investor might well feel cheated by the City because it has failed to provide the services necessary to buy and sell shares .
25 He feels so restricted by the screenplay that he has to break away from the apartment at every opportunity .
26 Those of us who are citizens of the United Kingdom who live north of the border have benefited from my right hon. Friend 's sagacity and influence in the Cabinet and are vastly privileged by the statement that he has made today .
27 The argument rests on the assumption that the number of volatile-rich bodies that would be captured by a planet after it has accreted is roughly in proportion to the mass of the planet .
28 But he never explains how such a belief about bones could possibly be held by a dog since it has such obvious linguistic implications particularly as grounds for possession of the human concept .
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