Example sentences of "by [art] [noun] of [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 His voice was partly drowned by the clatter of footsteps on the hard stone floor of the chapel as the others began to arrive .
2 ‘ Ranulf ! ’ he roared , and was greeted by the clatter of footsteps on the stairs .
3 The tramways had suffered from a lack of maintenance , repair facilities being reduced by the manufacture of shells in Blundell Street Depot .
4 This was partly induced or caused by the development of courts at a distance from the curia but directly under the pope .
5 Marx maintained that the human consciousness which could project this refracted religious self-image must be a ‘ false consciousness ’ , profoundly alienated from itself ; that it had been brought into this state by the development of divisions within human society between the different social and economic classes ; that religion served in that situation as an ‘ ideology ’ , a system of beliefs functioning to support the established order , and an ‘ opium ’ which would keep the proletariat passive in the face of their oppression and exploitation by diverting their attention and hopes to another world and its promised rewards ; that it was not enough for the philosopher to understand and diagnose this situation , but that he must go on to change it ; and that this involved moving back from Feuerbach 's ‘ critique of heaven ’ to a fresh ‘ critique of earth ’ , of economics , politics and society in general , with the aim of changing the structures of the established order and overcoming the forces of division and alienation which both produced religion and drew support from it .
6 Our research confirms that , to the degree that new entry-level social service jobs have been created , these have not often been accompanied by the development of opportunities for career advancement for the incumbents .
7 The Core Rules and SRO third tier rules operate in an integrated way , for example , by the development of exceptions to the Core Rules in third tier rules .
8 The recruitment of potential church musicians could be helped by the development of links with local high schools and colleges which offer music courses .
9 The Regulation governing another sensitive area , the export of ‘ cultural goods ’ from the EEC , was finally agreed in Brussels , along with the Directive ( see pp. 1–2 ) , by the Council of Ministers for the internal market , on 10 November .
10 The Court of Justice was to be composed of seven judges , one from each member state plus one other , appointed by the Council of Ministers for renewable six-year terms on the nomination by member governments .
11 What plans does my hon. Friend have to take up the 20 ecu supplement to the suckler cow premium agreed by the Council of Ministers on 11 December ?
12 Proposals put forward by Mitterrand on July 14 , 1989 , that the right of referral to the Constitutional Council ( Conseil constitutionel ) should be extended to individual citizens resulted in a draft law which was approved by the Council of Ministers on March 28 , 1990 .
13 The main body of the 1992 budget , approved by the Council of Ministers on Sept. 18 [ see p. 38445 ] , and presented to the National Assembly on Oct. 15 , was adopted on Oct. 20 by invoking Article 49.3 of the Constitution ( " engagement of the government 's responsibility " ) , whereby legislation could be adopted on first reading unless the opposition tabled a vote of censure .
14 The proposal , which was for a referendum on the dissolution of the Byelarus Supreme Soviet , was denounced in a statement by the Council of Ministers on March 4 as an attempt to increase " social tension and confrontation " by blaming the Supreme Soviet and the Council of Ministers for the recent drop in living standards .
15 Following emergency measures announced in July [ see p. 39025 ] , a drastic budget for 1993 was approved by the Council of Ministers on Sept. 30 after an all-night session .
16 When the Soviet Union intervened militarily in Afghanistan the British Foreign Secretary , Lord Carrington , rapidly proposed a plan for Afghanistan which was approved by the Council of Ministers of the EEC and adopted as a joint EEC declaration on 15 January 1980 .
17 This process involves the issuing by the Council of Ministers of harmonization directives .
18 It is uncertain when this disagreement will be resolved , as the issue is unlikely to be discussed by the Council of Ministers at their next meeting on18 January .
19 ‘ In the end it is a political decision which will be taken by the council of ministers with the views of officials placed before them , ’ said Mr Claridge .
20 Now it looks as if only the banking directive , adopted by the Council of Ministers in December 1989 , will be operative in time .
21 It was intended that the Commission 's proposals should be agreed by the Council of Ministers in October 1990 and be implemented by January 1992 ; but the employee participation element in particular is controversial , and animated discussions have taken place , with various Committees of the European Parliament having commented at length and suggested a plethora of amendments .
22 A new export-processing zone near Lomé , designed to attract foreign capital and develop non-traditional exports , was expected to come into operation after the publication of enabling decrees by the Council of Ministers in May 1990 .
23 The U.K. government is hoping that the Directive will not be adopted by the Council of Ministers before 5 April , when the next Internal Market Council meets .
24 It is unnecessary for the purposes of this judgment to set out in any detail the content of these articles : it is sufficient to say that they question the propriety of certain investments made by the council of moneys in its superannuation fund , with Mr. Bookbinder as the prime mover , in three deals with Mr. Oyston or companies controlled by him .
25 All CIS member states signed an agreement on a single defence budget into which they would pay fixed contributions to be determined by the Council of Heads of Government .
26 The times and places are decided well in advance , usually during the previous November , and invariably the Order of Service is that prepared and recommended by the Council of Churches for Britain and Ireland .
27 The conference was held immediately prior to WACC-AR 's assembly , and both the conference and the assembly were hosted by the Council of Churches of Namibia .
28 Three decrees to establish ( i ) a system of local administration ; ( ii ) defence and police forces ; and ( iii ) conditions favourable for local elections ( principally dealing with disarming of groups and individuals ) were approved in draft form by the Council of Representatives on Dec. 6 and published on Dec. 7 , 10 and 11 .
29 A lengthy statement by the Council of Representatives on Dec. 13 explained how the flexibility allowed by the new system of local government might accommodate the complexity of relationships between ethnic and linguistic groups .
30 Copies of the transitional government 's broad economic programme , which had been under discussion by the Council of Representatives in October and November , became freely available to the public in early December .
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