Example sentences of "by [noun] [conj] [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I am encouraged to have seen that submissions based on such discussion are increasingly made by counsel and entertained by the courts and your Lordships have in the present appeal benefited from counsel 's industry in this respect .
2 It will be governed by Rules and administered under the direction of a committee of the Directors comprising only non-executive directors .
3 The cumulative timings for the start of each shot are then taken by stopwatch and entered on the list , from which the individual shot lengths can be worked out .
4 The Exchequer and Audit Departments Act of 1866 ( as slightly amended in 1921 ) created the office of the Comptroller and Auditor General and charged him to identify and report upon the public accounts and to ensure that expenditures were authorised by Parliament and supported by the Treasury .
5 AFP was funded by credits voted by Parliament and defended by the Information Minister .
6 Equally , although there may be pronounced disagreements between states , and between individual citizens within states , about where the line should be drawn , few would dispute that some curtailment of the liberty is indispensable to the stability of society ; and indeed in the United Kingdom today our lives are permeated by enforceable duties to provide information on demand , created by Parliament and tolerated by the majority , albeit in some cases with reluctance .
7 It is one of the quirks of modern society that even when acts are passed by Parliament and signed by the Sovereign , they do not always take effect .
8 An HIV-1 3' 8600–9227 fragment with a 22 nt poly(A) tail was generated by PCR and inserted between the Kpn I and Xho I sites of bluescript. pHIVCG8.6 RNA was prepared by T3 RNA polymerase transcription of Xho I linearized DNA .
9 Here use can be made of a semi-empirical approach suggested by Hildebrand and based on the premise that ‘ like dissolves like ’ .
10 The field where the outbreak has originated may be grazed by sheep or rested until the following June .
11 Without the emergence of Hitler and his National Socialists all that was rotten in Germany , that had been positively fostered by Romanticism and encouraged by the humiliation that Germany had suffered under the terms of the Treaty of Versailles — racism , social Darwinism , anti-intellectualism , phoney mysticism — might have persisted indefinitely and gradually eaten away the fabric of the country and its culture , gone unchallenged by the forces of reason , lain for all time under layers of sophistry . …
12 Stateless societies are so constituted that the kaleidoscopic succession of concrete social situations provides the stimulus that motivates each individual to act for his own interest or for that of close kin and neighbours with whom he is so totally involved , in a manner which maintains the fabric of society … the lack of specialized roles and the resulting multiplex quality of social networks mean that neither economic nor political ends can be exclusively pursued by anyone to the detriment of society , because the ends are intertwined with each other and further channelled by ritual and controlled by the beliefs which ritual expresses .
13 A plan to expand preferential trade tariffs as a means of integrating the region was opposed by Mexico and led to the adjournment of the meeting of the Latin American Association for Integration ( ALADI ) held in Mexico City on May 1-2 , 1990 .
14 Peter Davies , the housing association 's chief executive , said all the families were evacuated by boat and taken to the Aberconwy Centre .
15 The unit is affected by fear as described in the Psychology section of the Warhammer rules .
16 The unit is affected by fear as described in the Warhammer rulebook .
17 The unit is affected by fear as described in the Warhammer rulebook .
18 My life as the wife of a veterinary surgeon is surrounded by animals and dominated by the telephone .
19 Schoenberg was also an expressive painter , admired by Kandinsky and hung in the 1911 Blaue Reiter group exhibition .
20 On the Nottinghamshire coalfield the strike at Harworth against the breakaway " Spencer Union " was also led by Communists and ended with the imprisonment of one of their leaders , Mick Kane .
21 About a third of these scripts are , in turn , derived from BBC Horizon programmes which are bought or co-produced by Nova and shown in the series .
22 The workshop was supported by WACC-LA/C and organised by the communication and education group ECO ( Educación y Comunicaciones ) which is a member of WACC based in Santiago .
23 The G-7 had reportedly been divided over rescheduling , with Germany ( by far the largest creditor ) opposing the five-year delay which was requested by Russia and backed by the USA .
24 This title might be especially applicable to the Protestant Church , because of its ‘ established ’ status , that is , as the church which is instituted by law and supported by the state , the government and the taxpayer .
25 It was a tradition that avoided any real contemplation of the root causes of German unease ; their preference for ‘ action ’ , rested secure in the knowledge that everything they did was for the good of the nation , sanctioned by law and sanctioned by the German people .
26 The conference , on 22nd and 23rd March at the London International Book Fair , organised by Meckler and sponsored by The Bookseller , attracted over 300 representatives from British and European publishers and agents .
27 This valuation will be undertaken by the storekeeper , assessed and verified by management and checked by the auditor .
28 Children excited by crisis and run round the back whilst I vacillate on the pavement .
29 Where the summons has been so sent by post and returned to the court office undelivered , notice of non-service ( N 216 ) is sent to the plaintiff saying that he may request bailiff service .
30 Where the summons has been so served by post and returned to the court office undelivered , notice of non-service is sent to the plaintiff ( N 216 ) .
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