Example sentences of "thing about this [noun] be that " in BNC.

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1 The worst things about this attitude is that the western method of development is ’ best ’ and the constant subtle racism .
2 In fact one of the great things about this walk is that it keeps for most of the time to the shoulder of the fells so that they fall away steep sided below you giving you clear views out and down .
3 One of the marvellous things about this record is that there 's so many references to all sorts of things that have happened to us over the last couple of years .
4 The thing about this man is that the whole wind section seems to play better when he is there , not just the flutes .
5 The positive thing about this approach is that it can deal with exceptions to the overall pattern .
6 I 'm not particularly equipment oriented , and the great thing about this enlarger is that the controls are on the bottom .
7 The interesting thing about this story is that the model was used almost as an incidental — she was portrayed in the distance , as the aesthetic human element on an otherwise deserted beach .
8 Now the important thing about this document is that you 'll receive it on the day the first day of your assignment .
9 But there was still a French-speaking population on the peninsula itself ; transferring a population to a new ruler in this way was common enough in Europe , and the only unusual thing about this transfer was that the British promised to let the inhabitants retain their Catholic religion without enforcing the laws restricting the civil rights of Catholics that had been passed at Westminster .
10 The nice thing about this system is that the above double resonance can be guaranteed : the refractive-index change induced by the strong pump beam actually moves the comb of longitudinal modes with respect to the pump frequency ( it is strictly the product of.length and refractive index that determines the mode frequencies ) .
11 Probably the most valuable thing about this stage is that the schedule compiler gets a sort of ‘ consumers ’ view' for the first time .
12 Perhaps the most audacious thing about this exhibition is that the British Museum should have countenanced it at all .
13 The most remarkable thing about this letter was that Knox thought it worthwhile making his appeal even although five days earlier the Lords of the Congregation had taken decisive action .
14 ‘ The great thing about this boat is that we can take it out in all kinds of weather throughout the year , and everyone will be perfectly safe on board .
15 ‘ The great thing about this boat is that we can take it out in all kinds of weather throughout the year , and everyone will be perfectly safe on board .
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