Example sentences of "back [prep] his [noun sg] [conj] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Alan took him back into his bedroom and walked up and down with him mechanically , trying to soothe him .
2 When he saw Duclos striding back across the compound dragging a young Annamese boy behind him , he smiled quietly to himself , stepped back into his bedroom and began fumbling with the buttons of his silk shirt .
3 Now Evans got back into his car and drove round to Connon 's house .
4 Peter got back into his car and started the engine .
5 He slipped the knife and the corkscrew back into his pocket and walked away , turning out of the yard and into St Martin 's Street again .
6 He pushed his handkerchief back into his pocket and looked across at his deputy , Sergei Kolchinsky , a Russian in his early fifties who had become an invaluable member of the team since joining UNACO from the KGB four years earlier .
7 Sheldukher slipped the laser pistol back into his pocket and substituted the black square .
8 He thrust the photographs back into his pocket and jerked round .
9 Grimly Delaney slipped the pipe back into his pocket and nodded .
10 Anyway , I came back into his office and gave him his coffee , and was just getting down to a long bout of conveyancing when the phone in our room rang .
11 He sat back in his pew and looked around the church which the indefatigable ladies of the WI had transformed with flowers and holly sprays .
12 He settled back in his armchair and put his feet on the coffee-table .
13 He leaned back in his armchair and regarded her harshly .
14 When she left the room he sat back in his seat and grinned .
15 He raised a mocking dark brow as he sat back in his seat and crossed one long leg over the other , and Fran bit back a sudden urge to snap an answer at him .
16 He slumped back in his seat and stared resentfully through the windscreen .
17 She sat opposite him as he leaned back in his seat and observed her through gold-rimmed spectacles , and she still felt uneasy with this man .
18 With a sigh of impatience Jake leaned back in his seat and ran his fingers through his thick dark hair .
19 But the Substitute caught his movement and , with a quick sidelong smile and a rueful glance at the offending object , he leaned back in his seat and said solemnly : ‘ It 's my only vice . ’
20 Jake sat back in his seat and surveyed her critically .
21 There was enough dirt on his knees to grow potatoes , and his short trousers obviously belonged to someone at least three years younger , but he gave her a toothless grin , slid back in his seat and picked his nose .
22 He lay back in his seat and closed his eyes .
23 Ludovico lay back in his seat and smiled .
24 The old gentleman sat back in his seat and opened the letter .
25 Now he stretched back in his chair and said : ‘ This proposed job — rumoured job , I should say — I suppose we 're entitled to ask whether it has been formally offered to you yet ?
26 He leaned back in his chair and breathed heavily .
27 Then the older man lay back in his chair and looked at Dorian with half-closed eyes .
28 Certainly , as he leaned back in his chair and looked across at her , there was no sign of coolness in the dark eyes .
29 Nicolo leaned back in his chair and steepled his fingers against his lips .
30 John sat back in his chair and made a pyramid with his hands in front of his face .
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