Example sentences of "down and [verb] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Brian arrived , with his girlfriend and another friend , who seemed to realize that I needed to calm down and offered to walk around the building with me .
2 " He smells like barley rained down and left to rot in the fields .
3 We were both thrown down and began to roll across the deck , but I was on my feet first and climbed up into the sails , hand over hand .
4 Some of the poems were written down and became known to the outside world before the end of the eighteenth century .
5 It is now daylight and another new day , as we continue to trudge along the road ; there is no conversation , it 's just heads down and continue to look at the boots of the man in front .
6 Dexter 's toes suddenly flopped down and stayed glued to the floor .
7 As he stepped down and turned to kneel before the altar , he directed a swift , appraising glance at the ‘ all ’ .
8 As soon as they were amongst the shuttered houses of Edinburgh , Corbett slowed down and turned to grin at the pale , terrified face of Ranulf .
9 And we put that in cos otherwise that 'll come down and get jammed in the printer head .
10 Fall down and crawl left under the wall , push the crate left onto the button and jump up through the roof , go up , left , up on the lift , right , and then fall down , go under the lift and go left to collect the object , go right , up on the lift , left under the wall , up through the roof , up , left , up on the lift , left , push the crate left onto the button , go left along the conveyor belt , go left and collect the battery , now go down as far as possible and enter the door to complete the level .
11 They sat down and started to look through the movie tapes , Zambia interjecting the odd question here and there .
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