Example sentences of "down [conj] [vb pp] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Although you might not meet an elephant on the Wilpattu jungle tracks , you know that they are there when you find a tree pulled down or bull-dozed across the road .
2 But joy of joys , the New Moon in Scorpio on the 29th and some stunning planetary aspects in early November should spark off some kind of personal revival and no matter how many times you have been let down or left in the lurch in the past , emotionally this can and ought to be one of the happiest times you have ever known .
3 It seemed a long moment while they remained thus immobile and then the young woman put her head and shoulders down and rushed like an eight-year-old , knees doubling up and arms pounding .
4 Yet it should have been better for , needing only to hit the 18th green with a sand wedge he went into a bunker , failed to get up and down and ended with a bogey five .
5 Desiccated liver is approximately 80% protein and is easily broken down and absorbed by the stomach .
6 The widow of a security guard who was knocked down and killed during a robbery has appealed for help to track down his killers .
7 They issued in , among many other reforms , the Education Act of 1918 , introduced by Lloyd George 's Minister of Education , H. A. L. Fisher ( who was knocked down and killed in the black-out in April 1940 ) .
8 A boy knocked down and killed by a car near Denton Burn , Newcastle , was named yesterday as Jonathon Kelly , 12 , of Southview , West Denton .
9 He was a politician and a financier , well-known in his time ; but we remember him today because on the 15th of September 1830 , at the opening of the Liverpool and Manchester Railway , he became the first person to be run down and killed by a train ( that 's what he became , was turned into ) .
10 With 92 other offences taken into consideration , including arson , blackmail , three sendings-off and a professional foul , Proby was sent down and dismissed by the club .
11 These sections will be broken down and explained by the lecturer , and further understood in your reading .
12 I put the phone down and slumped in a chair .
13 The pivotal notion of Spandau prison being pulled down and replaced by a supermarket was one which greatly excited Brenton , signifying at a stroke both Western Europe 's descent into cynical consumerism and the wiping out of history .
14 Dot kept still and quiet , head down and hunched like a bird sleeping , hoping Gloria would n't know she was in there .
15 Jason looked down and fiddled with a pencil on his desk .
16 The fine tree was soon noticed by the king of Byblos , who ordered it to be cut down and made into a column to support the hall roof of his palace .
17 ‘ He 'd be irradiated if he 'd turned the bribe down and gone to the freight car . ’
18 The carts had been washed down and polished for the day 's event .
19 She rose from her chair at the little antique bureau which stood in the attic window space , bent down and fumbled for the catch of the secret drawer which she had found there .
20 He was knocked down and injured by a horse when the rider lost control while riding too fast .
21 Lissa 's mouth shaped her distaste , and she put her cup down and realised with a start that Adam was saying something .
22 If these trailing stems are held down and secured in the planting medium , they root , and then the sections bearing the plantlets can be severed and transplanted .
23 The answer , I think , involves a partial refutation of the interactionist position : crimes do share an intrinsic quality — they involve the knowing transgression of rules laid down and enforced by the state .
24 It is perfectly conceivable that we can make some general statements about the conditions that influence our self-indulgence or self-restraint in relation to rules laid down and enforced by the state , particularly when the nature of those rules and the way they are enforced are included for consideration .
25 Not a lot really , he 's come down and hacked through a couple of tunes with us .
26 The autumn colours come when the green pigment chlorophyll is broken down and re-absorbed into the tree .
27 Be sure to provide a comfortable bed , which can be a cardboard box with its sides cut down and lined with a blanket .
28 On 19 June 1841 the spire of St Michael 's was struck by lightning so severely that it had to be taken down and rebuilt at a cost of £84 , paid for by the Buxtons .
29 It was agreed that Cell-y-bedd should be taken down and rebuilt in the form of an apse on the foundations found in 1958 .
30 I flew down and looked at the computer screens to see what was written on them , and they all said in huge letters …
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