Example sentences of "even when [pers pn] be [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 And even when we are not speaking or being spoken to , messages from other ‘ languages ’ crowd in upon us : horns toot , lights flash , laws restrain , hoardings proclaim , smells attract or repel , tastes delight or disgust , even the ‘ feel ’ of objects systematically communicates something meaningful to us .
2 One of the most elementary and important lessons to be learned from model theory is that , even when we are tightly constrained by external correlations , it is still generally possible to construct a variety of models for a given set of data ( cf. the extremely useful comments on model construction and evaluation in connexion with language in Sternberg , 1963 ) .
3 Women work slightly fewer hours than men on average , even when we are only comparing fulltime workers , so we should expect that women would earn less than men .
4 THE tip-top Mirror 's still the high point of our readers ' day … even when they 're precariously perched 170ft 2ins above Trafalgar Square .
5 Scripts can be thought of as slot-and-filler structures , in which the slots have default values so that events can be inferred even when they are not mentioned explicitly in a text .
6 We should not underestimate the power of official systems of classification of children , even when they are generally held to be inadequate by those that work with them .
7 In wild cats it then more or less disappears as they become adult , but domestic cats remain mentally like kittens even when they are fully grown , and continue to ‘ talk ’ to their human owners like kittens communicating with their mothers .
8 Allowing for those who were too selfish to want to help even when they were well qualified to do so , and those who were manifestly unsuitable to act as foster parents , because they were too young , too old or too inexperienced — a third , say , of the total , it was unrealistic to expect the Jewish community to absorb 10,000 refugee children .
9 The evangelical movement within the Church of England , from the royal proclamation of 1787 issued at the instigation of William Wilberforce , aimed at stirring up the vigilant suppression of " vice " and attacked pastimes even when they were not breaking the sabbath .
10 They also had to be decorated with braid and ribbons even when they were out ploughing in the winter ; George Sadler told me :
11 Even when they were nt winning anything except the occasional FA Cup there was hype .
12 Even when it is not displaced , the prima facie rule does not exclude any further loss which was reasonably foreseeable as a result of the buyer 's breach .
13 Radiography can reveal the original construction of an object even when it is so corroded that no external evidence is left .
14 I was n't playing well for the rest of the team , and that is one of my strengths , because even when I 'm not scoring I know I can contribute .
15 ‘ Glens supporters were always very good to me , even when I was n't playing well .
16 On easy but long rock descents the routefinding can be bewildering , even when you are simply trying to reverse your line of ascent .
17 I notice that even when you are simply listening to music on tape or watching it on the TV monitor when you are editing you are still breathing with the music even though you are not conducting it .
18 Even when you are not cooking , the Vision is designed to help you .
19 Darker lashes and brows make you look more wide-awake and add definition , even when you are not wearing other make-up .
20 Yasmin , who looks lovely even when she 's not trying , smiles a little sadly when she hears that .
21 That 's like Sarah at work , I mean she leaves at twenty past five , if she thinks that , she 'll leave at ten past five I mean she thinks you 're stupid because she do n't always go but even when she 's not going she
22 Wears them all the time , even when she 's out digging .
23 But even when she 's fully grown she wo n't be much over two feet tall .
24 Just then one of Father 's secretaries , who was standing right behind me , said , ‘ Such purity of line , do you notice , even when she 's only showing that sweet child how to curtsy . ’
25 The inescapable subservience of the female is ratified even when she is not manoeuvred as an object of adoration or spite : But the effect of this fifteenth-century carol in providing a reminder that the Incarnation was realised through a woman , is to put a warning shot across the bows of those who exploit the daughters of Eve .
26 and even this early in the song , I have often heard Madame falter and stop , and just open her arms towards us , palms outwards , in a simple refusal to sing , just letting Gary carry the phrase on the piano — and of course we all knew the words anyway and so could hear them even when she was n't singing , sometimes you 'd hear the whole crowd singing almost inaudibly along with her .
27 It was also observed that he was fairly cool with the little Hoflin girl , who seemed to be mooning miserably about the theatre with a pale face , even when she was n't needed .
28 But for most of them it is clearly worth it , and Carol would struggle in even when she was not feeling well .
29 The landlord Alec Crossley kept an orderly house and his buxom blonde wife Grace was always jolly and invariably found time to listen to the troubles of her customers , even when she was hard put to it behind the counter .
30 Potential meaning is meaning as it resides in the speaker 's unconscious even when he is not speaking .
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