Example sentences of "even [subord] she [verb] [pron] [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 He caught her by the waist , in a half rugby tackle , lifted her up , spun her around and in one fell swoop had hoisted her on to his shoulders even before she realised what was happening .
2 Even as she struggled he was lifting her clear off her feet as easily as though she were made of thistledown .
3 Even as she spoke she was taking a fleecy rose-coloured towel out of the linen press , turning on the water , unscrewing a flask of bath essence which perfumed the rising steam .
4 Even as she spoke she was gripped by a niggling feeling of premonition .
5 Mr Jones said : ‘ Even when she knew she was dying , her concern was for other people , not herself .
6 Carrie was afraid at first that Albert would despise such a babyish pastime but he seemed to enjoy it as much as Nick did , shouting with laughter when he tripped over bumps in the ice and not wanting to stop , even when she said it was time they were going .
7 He had the unhappy knack of putting her back up , even though she knew he was right .
8 Even though she knew she was playing with fire , knew exactly how vulnerable she was , Shannon wanted to laugh in his arrogant face .
9 She came yesterday afternoon , even though she knew it was n't my afternoon , hoping to find you , but of course you had gone to the Rectory , and begged me to persuade you to go to Langley Dene on Saturday .
10 Even though she knew it was illogical , the thought briefly took the edge off her enjoyment .
11 ‘ I meant what I said on the plane , ’ she reminded him stiffly , even though she knew it was a wasted effort .
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