Example sentences of "even [subord] [art] [noun sg] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 … whether norm or criterion referenced , the examination entails rank-ordering , even where a range of grades is not in the strictest sense being competed for .
2 A third was the rapid fall in the numbers of boarded farm servants , and a fourth the very high seasonal reduction in the demand for labour associated with wheat growing , even where the change to cereal from mixed or pastoral farming was not associated with recent enclosure .
3 Moreover , it has been established for centuries that even where the threat of violence is less than this , consent will be negatived .
4 Even where the level of participation was highest , its emphasis was stressed at the implementation , operation and evaluation phases of the development of a project , very rarely in any earlier planning phase .
5 While the whole reason for an interdisciplinary approach , combining law and economics , ‘ hinges on the expectation … that the disciplines are complementary and that collaboration is potentially fruitful ’ , care still needs to be taken , even where the topic under review is economic in origin .
6 thought it necessary to consider the Convention , even although the law on blasphemy was clear : Reg. v. Chief Metropolitan Stipendiary Magistrate , Ex parte Choudhury [ 1991 ] 1 Q.B. 429 , 449 .
7 DAF yesterday won a vital cash injection from the Belgian and Dutch governments , but long-term finance from banks needed to fund a new , slimmer Daf had still not been agreed last night , even although the deadline for agreement is today .
8 He was salvaged from this desperate scrape by his chauffeur-valet , Livsey , thus proving that truth is stranger even than the fiction of Bertie Wooster and Jeeves .
9 Between 1986 and 1990 , the CFA zone performed worse even than the rest of Africa .
10 The people considered themselves ‘ God 's chosen ’ , and the king of such a people was regarded as something more than other kings — more even than the Emperor of Rome .
11 Yet it seemed more terrible , a horror greater than the Abigails ' marriage or the treatment of the Dasses by their son , greater even than the death of Stephen 's mother because Stephen 's mother had sought peace and at least had found it .
12 ‘ Bigger even than the Bank of America .
13 When reading through church magazines it seems it is one long appeal for cash , even until the present with appeals for the heating , eradication of deathwatch beetle and the most recent , for tiles for the church roof .
14 Each contracting State shall be free to declare that the judge , notwithstanding the provisions of the first paragraph of this article , may give judgment even if no certificate of service or delivery has been received , if all the following conditions are fulfilled —
15 If the Secretary of State has considered a proposed merger and made a decision as to clearance or otherwise in respect of it a fee will also be payable even if no application for clearance has been made .
16 Charitable donations , however , did nothing to enhance a political interest , even if a lack of charity could seriously harm it , for a substantial contribution from a major political figure was no more than was expected by the gentlemen of a county or the magistrates of a burgh .
17 Again no parasites could be found in the blood , but they appeared later , even if a course of quinine had been given in the meantime .
18 A second difficulty with this most obvious method of testing is that , even if a preponderance of Protestants were to emerge , it would not follow that it was their religious convictions that supplied the motivation for their science .
19 However , even if a death in hospital does not warrant an autopsy , the corpse may still present a potential source of infection to porters and mortuary staff , particularly if they have not been immunised .
20 Readers will appreciate that even if a combination of Sgt Bilko and the Roux Brothers was running the Cookhouse , with only £1.43 to feed an adult with three meals a day it is not possible to challenge the Savoy Grill .
21 Furthermore , even if a surplus of wool was produced , there was perhaps more hope of selling it to the developing cloth industry than of disposing of grain which was not required , as a demand for clothing can be more flexible than one for food when men have additional purchasing power ( 59 ; 62 ) .
22 However it should be recalled that even if an obligation of confidence is held to exist the grant of an injunction is in the discretion of the court .
23 The court in Malone also held , however , that even if an action in confidence does apply to telephone conversations , in this case the circumstances would be governed by Gartside v. Outram , where it was held that ‘ there is no confidence in the disclosure of an iniquity ’ , observations subsequently explained by Lord Denning as merely an instance of just cause or excuse for breaking a confidence .
24 THE RESULT of the Spanish Grand Prix will not be nullified , even if an appeal by Nigel Mansell on his exclusion from it is successful , the president of FISA , the sport 's ruling body , said yesterday .
25 Nevertheless , even if the level of precision demanded by the computational approach has not yet been realized in most instances , the approach does have other benefits .
26 But even if the question of necessity is ruled out , the notion that events in outer space influence Earth and its atmosphere , as well as the nature and distribution of animal life , is now a substantive truth .
27 Even if the economics of bulk sales improve — Chemical reckons that the bulk-discount has fallen sharply as the property market has revived — Citicorp considers it worth sticking with property in order to help create a liquid market in it .
28 Even if the chance of success in a wager is very slight , the bet should be accepted if the reward of the wager is disproportionately high in relation to the amount staked .
29 Inequality of power and advantage has been an extremely common , if not universal , feature of human societies , even if the degree of inequality has varied very greatly .
30 If the school 's general attendance rate is poor , then school management may well suspect a high level of condoned truancy , even if the majority of non-attenders appear to have an explanation for their absence .
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