Example sentences of "even [conj] it [verb] [v-ing] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It 's about time somebody killed this ‘ debate ’ dead in its tracks , even if it meant stating the obvious ; that postmodernism is nothing more than Situationism without the socialism , the archetypal assimilation of revolutionary technique and terminology .
2 Perhaps Cromwell , when he passed , also found the door of Coldingham Priory locked and decided that he would get in anyway , even if it meant removing a whole wall in order to do so .
3 The new French Agriculture and Forestry Minister , Louis Mermaz , said that France would not be pushed into an accord even if it meant extending the December deadline for completing the GATT talks .
4 If one of us was really late , but could be seen running to catch the tram , Carnera waited , even if it meant starting a little behind time .
5 Respondents to the Social Attitudes Survey in 1984 were asked : In general would you say that people should obey the law without exception , or are there exceptional occasions on which people should follow their consciences even if it means breaking the law ?
6 then make sure it is presented the way it is requested , even if it means rethinking the standard version you usually send out .
7 You have to recruit the best , even if it means fighting an uphill battle to get personnel policies changed , to persuade your boss to pay your people more .
8 It 's far better to spend a few extra minutes making a trace 100 per cent safe , even if it means putting a few extra pence into the finished product .
9 I insist on eating properly and will not skimp , even if it means altering the social calendar to suit .
10 Vanguard , hinting at possible pragmatic advantages to the pro-Libyan stance , declared it was taking a populist , anti-terrorist position : ‘ We must condemn all terrorism even if it means upsetting the Libyans and getting no money from their Embassy ’ ( January 1987 ) .
11 ‘ I turned down a new contract at the end of the season , even though it meant getting a testimonial next year because I 've got to be playing in the Premier League to confirm my place in the Irish side .
12 Newman accepted the job , even though it meant taking a drop in salary .
13 She turned in that direction even though it meant leaving the path .
14 clockwise even though it means coming the long way round
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