Example sentences of "even [conj] [pers pn] [verb] that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 First , there is evidence that men , even where they acknowledge that they have responsibilities to parents or children , often exercise those responsibilities through their wives .
2 In the sixties , polls showed that , even if they believed that they themselves were doing rather well , most British people felt that their country was doing rather badly , and falling further behind foreign competitors .
3 But even if we assume that it is sound at an abstract philosophical level , it would be extremely dubious to assert that this theory can justify our present practices of punishment or anything like them .
4 Which was why Blackbeard accepted directives from him , even if he felt that he did not need them .
5 Dreams are precious , and should be valued , even if you know that they are unlikely to come true .
6 I think it does suggest in here that erm you should notify the Paymaster General 's Office , even if you think that it is not
7 Even if I thought that you were mistaken . ’
8 No , I do n't think they 're as incompetent as that even if I accept that they were as incompetent as you imply .
9 Even if it happens that I have made a firm decision to commit suicide , and have been wondering for weeks how to cheat the insurance company , the failure to jump would accord with my intention only by chance .
10 For she could not bear him to be unhappy — even if it meant that she must …
11 Suchinda announced on May 12 that he would accept parliament 's decision to amend the constitution , even if it meant that he had to resign as Prime Minister .
12 And of course you shall live the life which you have decided on — as Mama and I have lived ours — even if it means that we lose you . ’
13 That would help to show the universal determination of all parties in the House to achieve an answer that will provide a proper future for British agriculture and enable me at least to be able to tell my companions in the negotiations that there are things that matter so much to us that we will sit there until we achieve them , even if it means that we will sit there for many more months to come .
14 You can then pay bills immediately , using a separate chequebook , even if it means that you slip into the red .
15 The basic situation which I contemplate is a patient in hospital refusing all but nursing attendance , or the patient at home refusing all care , even if it means that he will be left alone .
16 Chris disapproves strongly of artificial methods of rearing , even if it means that he may only get one or two fry from a brood .
17 If it 's gon na plague him and give him trouble let's get it sorted out this year , even if it means that he has a little bit of temporary deafness for a little while , you know ?
18 Yet one understands and sympathizes with the reader who urges for that word to be said ( even as he/she understands that it can not be ) , and no amount of earnest preaching that this is the way things are , that no certainties can be reached , will attenuate the sense of frustration that accompanies our contemplation of the ruins .
19 And , if we are looking at regression as a form of therapy — as , indeed we should be — the benefit can surely only come when you re-experience the previous existence for yourself ( or even when you imagine that you do ) .
20 Bob Ewell who is the father of the so called victim , Mayella , is prepared to use his influence as a white to get Tom convicted even though we know that it is Bob Ewell who should be taking the punishment as it is made clear in the trial that he is the person who abuses Mayella not Tom .
21 They did , however have unrealised expectations about the number of clients for whom they would need to provide paid support workers even though they predicted that they would not find it necessary to provide such carers for ail clients .
22 She knew that he would be hurt even though she hoped that he had stopped loving such an undeserving , self-serving shrew , because anyone would be hurt by such a scene .
23 It felt too much as if she was shunting him off for her own convenience , even though she knew that it was the only sane and sensible thing to do .
24 1 Where do we first learn about Auntie 's excellent eye-sight ? 2 Where do we first learn that Auntie can see into the future ? 3 How do we know that Auntie did not see the fire at the office block where she used to work ? 4 What exactly did Auntie foresee on the last afternoon of her life ? 5 Why did Auntie save Billy 's life , even though she knew that she herself would die ?
25 ‘ I do n't see why I should , ’ he replied , but , to make her heart spurt , even though she knew that he meant nothing by it , ‘ But for you , I will , ’ he added .
26 ‘ How ? ’ he repeated , but , even though she thought that he suddenly seemed a little on edge , and although he appeared to hesitate — as if , most oddly , he was a little unsure , he then looked straight into her eyes and stated , ‘ There have been countless instances when , because of you , I 've found myself doing things which I would n't have believed .
27 She did not trust the count even though she admitted that he had a strange effect on her .
28 If he was a difficult friend , he could also be a loyal one — the most notable example , of course , is that of Ezra Pound whom he continued to support and defend even though it meant that he became embroiled in the kind of public controversy which he detested .
29 Ken 's agreed to run on our policies and our ticket , ’ even though he acknowledges that they suit him better than Ken .
30 I can assure the right hon. Gentleman that my noble Friend will make a very strong statement of Government policy , even though I wish that I could do it myself .
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