Example sentences of "those who [vb base] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Richard Huxley Jones , 72 , is this year 's recipient of the Aelwyn Morgan memorial award given by Rhuddlan Town Council to those who contribute most to the community .
2 We will help those that we have to help legally , or perhaps those whom people want to help , but we will not have foisted upon us those who come here for a good time and a good life .
3 And I believe that with the privileges that come to those who benefit most from the capitalist system there are obligations , and so the combination of that latter thought makes me want to do something about the inner cities , plus a revulsion at waste and hopelessness and dereliction and concern which is self-evident in some of these older towns and cities .
4 For those who benefit financially from the audio and video industry , that they may resist the lure of easy profit and refuse to promote any production which exploits human weakness , offends consciences , or affronts human dignity .
5 Within any such population it is possible to identify four subgroups : long-stay residents ; those who die shortly after admission , those who return home after a period of convalescence and those who move to another long-term care setting after a short stay .
6 Those who go regularly on the hill become aware of the system which has evolved ( as the best of a bad situation ) and accept its necessity .
7 Ulph ( 1987 ) points out that those who earn close to the tax threshold will enjoy little or no income effect from the tax cut so that the substitution effect should dominate , causing them to work more hours .
8 Today the new Little People , those who dance nightly on the television screen , have ousted the old .
9 The division between those who look naturally to the private sector and those who look to the public is geographical as much as ideological .
10 To British voters , especially those who identify strongly with a political party , ‘ energetic ’ or ‘ decisive ’ probably imply approval : for them , images are at the margin between perceptions and attitudes .
11 Unless there is a real threat to personal safety , all those who deal directly with the public should wear a name badge and give their name on the telephone and in letters .
12 Despite the hard words exchanged across the Chamber from time to time this evening , it is plain that there is complete agreement on both sides of the House that those who arrive here with a well-founded fear of persecution should find a safe haven .
13 In Homage to Catalonia , Orwell wrote despairingly of the fundamental contentment of those who sleep deeply in the belief that the fundamentals are secure .
14 And this too is why the word can even be extended to all those who rely entirely upon the mercy of God — the poor in spirit ’ ( Matt.
15 Successive Foreign Secretaries , the ambassadorial input , the input of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and especially the input of those who beaver away at the top of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in dim Victorian rooms have made a tremendous contribution to the unique catalytic role which my right hon. Friend the Foreign Secretary mentioned .
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