Example sentences of "those who [verb] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Promoters presumably would fall within Albert 's nongenotoxic or epigenetic category , a daunting prospect to those who favour erring on the side of safety .
2 Those who wish to vote for the addition of these words to deliverance number two would you please stand .
3 Could I ask those who wish to vote for the motion , deliverance number four as in print on page one eight five , to stand please .
4 Law reporting is required because those who wish to rely upon a previous decision of the court to further their own case must have a clear and reliable record of the decision and the reason for the decision in the earlier case .
5 In view of this very heavy agenda for discussion , the Association has requested that the Bank defer the deadline of 14th May for those who wish to opt for the package .
6 The Faculty also welcomes applications from those who wish to study on a non-graduating basis , including those applying through the ERASMUS scheme .
7 They are equally suitable for 16 to 19-year olds in school and further education , and adult learners , including returners to the workplace and those who wish to prepare for a major career change .
8 While the Faculty encourages all those interested in these research degrees to apply , it will only accept as research students those who wish to work in an area in which the Faculty can provide supervision and has basic materials .
9 But the International Air Tattoo does n't just help those who 've served with the RAF — for the past ten years it 's been helping disabled people learn to fly .
10 A brief traverse right gains a semi-rest , protection , and decision time for those who 've approached with an open mind about which route to take .
11 Third , an historical analysis also serves to illustrate how a narrow section of the press — the political or quality press — has had a continuing fascination with , and attraction to , the centres of legitimate political power and those who exercise it ; moreover , the relationship between the triumvirate of politicians , proprietors and editors — namely , those who exercise political power and those who seek to bask in the afterglow of the exercise of that power — was never fixed .
12 Then those who felt attracted by the idea of emigrating discussed it among themselves to see if it was at all feasible for them — there would be their affairs in Cork to liquidate , there might be family ties to take into account , there was even the question of whether they could endure the change of climate .
13 The south-west was far enough from the established centres of power for those who felt excluded from the throne to use it as a launching pad for rebellion .
14 Even in Britain it seemed almost a law of politics under George II and George III that the Prince of Wales should act as a rallying-point for all those who hoped to benefit from a change of ruler .
15 The Club will be of particular interest to those who aspire to reason about the systems they are building , in addition to specifying them .
16 and again rose , the pastor taking the cup and speaking the chosen words , whilst those who served went with the cups among the congregation …
17 That Castro had come to regard the Centre-Left as an obstacle to the course he wanted the revolution to pursue was made clear on 19 October , when he warned , ‘ It would be better if those who prefer to remain on the borderline in these hours … become enemies ; that is , they would do more damage as companions than enemies ’ ( Hoy ( newspaper of the PSP ) , 21 October 1959 , p. 3 , in González : 1968 , p. 51 ) .
18 For those who prefer to work as a team , what about helping with a flag day ?
19 Partisans of these philosophies , in other words , as well as those who prefer to speak in the language of compassion or human responsibility or animal protection , share some of the same goals as animal rightists .
20 Those who prefer to believe in an indivisible single self capable of originality will be sceptical of the Ackroyd scepticism .
21 Those who prefer to stay in the centre could try Benedens ( 3235374 w ) , in the Waitzstrasse .
22 Those who tend to vote against an incumbent government are not those who have become unemployed : rather , they are those who see the government as a weak and incompetent one .
23 For those who become involved at a stage when there is a high degree of frailty , there are many sensitive decisions in daily caring which can slow down or halt the progress of dependence .
24 The dancing stopped , and while those who 'd travelled to the all-dayer on coaches from Brighton , Hereford , Nottingham , Northampton , Leeds and Sheffield looked bemused at the sound of the King , the West Midlands regulars looked straight to Dermot Ryan , one of the three brothers behind promotions company Chuff Chuff .
25 The ship 's captain , Benjamin Saint Clair , who was among those who managed to swim to the coast , said passengers had apparently panicked during a heavy rainstorm , contributing to the disaster .
26 And if I could enjoy the dream , how much easier for those who were born in Israel or Lebanon or Palestine — or for those who wished to live in the land that was Palestine — to believe in it .
27 He became the best available villain for those who wished to fasten upon an individual to blame for Britain 's plight .
28 The latter finding arose from an observation by Brown and his colleagues ( 1966 ) that patients discharged to live alone or in a hostel often fared rather better than those who went to live with a spouse or parent .
29 The approach from the monastery is a 500 foot high concrete stairway , created for monks , climbers and adventurous tourists , with a climbing hut near the top for those who like to sleep near the crags .
30 Florida 's Gibson-toting Owens , who , along the way , has worked with Stevie Wonder , Bobby Womack , Al Green , OV Wright , Aaron Neville and Bill Withers , proves to be a considerable talent , a songwriter who can miraculously create multi-shaped compositions within the constrictions of his chosen genre ; a singer with a voice that can pacify purists yet woo those who like to gather round the pop jukebox ; plus a guitarist of great feel and fluidity .
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