Example sentences of "those who [verb] [prep] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 And because it seeks to arouse , porn eroticises immorality which makes it especially dangerous to those who worry about these things .
2 For all those who sit on European committees , the CAP is the main criticism that we have of the Community 's work .
3 Many of the constituency cases with which I have dealt in recent months have especially worried me because they seem to show that the financial hardship now experienced by many students is especially severe for those who come from low-income families .
4 What this meant in ordinary language was that only those who subscribed to Francoist ideals would be remembered and honoured .
5 Chissano also outlined a number of human rights issues which would be reflected in the constitution , including the abolition of capital punishment , legal defence for the poor , land tenure for farmers , compensation for those who suffered from illegal acts by the state , and recognition of the right to strike , the last being a particularly topical issue in view of the wave of strikes affecting the country [ see below ] .
6 By 1928 Vidor was almost a cult figure amongst movie intellectuals and when he was in Europe in that year all those who hoped for better things listened with interest as he pointed out that independent film-makers and the ‘ little theatre movement ’ would never compete with Hollywood and would never break through to the large undeveloped market unless they attracted sufficient investment to improve their product .
7 The second point is that precisely because legal conservatism values precedent , and will overturn prior cases only rarely , those who hope for great sea-changes in the law with the appointment of politically friendly judges are often disappointed .
8 Now , suddenly , those who clung to these notions were thrown on to the defensive and soon outnumbered .
9 Development can continue , but alongside conservation , so that those who depend on natural resources can continue to do so .
10 That approach consists of a code of good practice ( The Highway Code ) , a requirement that drivers pass a qualifying test , and a network of offences to penalize those who deviate from proper standards .
11 Nevertheless we are generally satisfied that both committees , that 's the English and the Welsh committees , have done a thorough job and on behalf of my colleagues I would certainly like to pay tribute to those who served on those committees who I believe discharged their responsibilities with great professionalism in circumstances made unnecessarily difficult by ministerial dithering and delay .
12 A second group are those who retire to rural areas .
13 They can claim to represent local public opinion ; such a claim can not be made by those who serve on public bodies as a result of government nomination .
14 She emerged from her apartment preceded by officers of the household and as she went along ‘ spoke very graciously , first to one , then to another , whether foreign ministers , or those who attended for different reasons ’ .
15 One group holds those who read at low levels but who are ‘ doing as well as can be expected ’ .
16 Those who benefited from improved earnings , however , were not the rural poor , but the farmers who were able to take advantage of the opportunities the Green Revolution had to offer .
17 Paul Jackson , for example , the Director of Programmes for Carlton Television , said a little while ago ‘ those who argue for Current Affairs to stay in peak time are just not accepting things as they are .
18 Those who argue against black interests or against non-white immigration typically deny that they are prejudiced .
19 Those who act for both sides will still have to satisfy the selectors that they can conduct actions properly on behalf of patients . )
20 This profile does not differ either from similar sketches of Members of Parliament or of those who participate in other forms of local public life ( Boaden et al .
21 Those who participate in such campaigns must expect substantial sentences .
22 ‘ Half of those who participate in these activities ’ , remarked one frustrated local LNU branch in a letter to Gilbert Murray in 1936 , ‘ … want our Government to do one thing and the other half the exactly contrary thing … . ’
23 Both Spenser 's and Jonson 's social aspirations , geared to their ability to use language , indicates a desire to see educated cultural expression indicating a class standing , a social elitism on the part of those who participate in cultural pursuits .
24 In the 1920s and 1930s some Marxists — and particularly those who adhered to Bolshevik views — conceived fascism as the more or less inevitable form assumed by the rule of the bourgeoisie in the monopolistic phase of capitalist development , and at the same time underestimated the strength of the fascist movements .
25 The importance of parents ' participation in decision making is supported by the research , and the distinctions between those who go into social services , health or education resources , are revealed a shaving little to do with the children 's own needs .
26 The terms ‘ physically disabled ’ and ‘ physically handicapped ’ cover people with a wide range of disabilities : the blind and partially sighted , the deaf and hard of hearing , people with congenital deformities , those who have suffered serious injury , those who suffer from crippling diseases such as arthritis , tuberculosis , ‘ organic nervous disorders ’ , and so on .
27 This means that it is not only effective for those who suffer from spinal disorders but in the treatment of many other conditions too .
28 We have learnt that when there is protracted sunlight during the summer months the low-level ozone problem is activated and aggravated , causing massive difficulty for those who suffer from respiratory diseases .
29 The services of ISCO can be called upon by those who enrol for several years after the pupil have left school .
30 It would seem more useful to reserve that much over-used tag of ‘ middle-class ’ for those higher up the social and financial scale than Benjamin — those who lived in larger houses with servants , who sent their children to public schools and could afford a day at the races or a night at the opera , suitably dressed .
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