Example sentences of "want [to-vb] up [conj] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The girls in the canteen want to lock up and go home .
2 I want to pick up and put down , he wrote , not spread out in gooey mass .
3 If she 's crying for some other reason like because we 've been quarrelling and she wants to make up but does n't know how to I just put my arms round her and cuddle her and let her cry it out .
4 He had led an exciting life in boxing circles before he went away to the war and he did not consider himself to lack nerve , but the plan the little shifty-eyed character was setting out made Billy want to get up and leave right away .
5 will they want to get up and join in ?
6 I wanted to jump up and run away .
7 She wanted to get up and walk away , out of the French doors and over the lawn and behind the hedge , away where she could not be seen .
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