Example sentences of "after a long [noun sg] [prep] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 The document has reappeared after a long sleep in California , and is estimated at £150,000 .
2 Peter and Paul , Yeadon died in Leeds Infirmary after a long illness on October 24th .
3 A friend of mine found this out when he brought a video back with him after a long weekend in Amsterdam .
4 It had been a dry summer but the pool was full and the young people , many of them travel-stained after a long trek from Portofino , were lying in steaming baths , their toes poised to activate the gilded taps .
5 On close inspection it looks more like the second touring production of Absurd Person Singular after a long spell in Pitlochry .
6 After a long gallop to Radstock our two heroes then made their weary way back to Crediton where they made their final assault .
7 Before he 'd even put the head down after a long flight to Glasgow , Lindi was expressing his confidence about Monday 's outcome .
8 He had reached there late after a long tramp from Ballyjamesduff in the next county .
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