Example sentences of "after a [adj] [noun sg] in [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I set off back to the hospital — not in the best of tempers after a foul drive in filthy weather — and it was on the way home , as the wet lamps marched towards me , that it happened .
2 Prices in February rose 0.7 per cent for a year-on-year increase of 1.8 per cent after a sharp rise in seasonal food costs and the January sales ' price cutting came to an end .
3 After a long career in public service , Monnet had been appointed as head of the French Planning Commission .
4 I reached Belle-Ile by ferry from the peninsula of Quiberon , after a seven-hour drive in 27-degree heat from the Paris airport that nothing on earth would induce me to repeat — though my two companions , one British and one French , conversed enthusiastically on opera , European politics , and structural anthropology .
5 Record signing Andy Payton is in line for a first-team place against Blackburn after a supporting role in recent weeks .
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