Example sentences of "between [noun prp] [conj] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This lovely country house lies well secluded off the road between Forres and Elgin in the magnificent countryside of Morayshire ( which has one of the highest sunshine levels in the UK ) .
2 Nazarbayev was reported by the news agency Interfax to be in favour of a separate agreement between Germany and Kazakhstan on the German community in Kazakhstan .
3 A significant interaction was found between FSE and SAM in the model for change in external locus of control ( χ 2 =4.4 , df=1 ; p=0.04 ) , the pattern of change being similar to that seen in 1989 .
4 One one between Peterborough and Blackpool and one one between Shrewsbury and Blackburn in the Coca Cola Cup .
5 The thaw in US-Soviet relations and the unwillingness of both super-powers to prolong the war led to the first publicly acknowledged round of talks between Najibullah and sections of the mujaheddin alliance in November [ see p. 37855 ] .
6 The incident followed long-running jibes between Snell and listeners about the industrial town of Ellesmere Port , Cheshire .
7 The dispute between Czechoslovakia and Hungary over the damming of the Danube at Gabcikovo [ see ED 61 & 63 ] worsened in October as the Slovak authorities , apparently acting on their own initiative in advance of the imminent dissolution of the Czechoslovak federation , instructed contractors to begin the final stage of construction work to divert the river .
8 A blazing row follows , which Sheila 's mother reports to the social worker , who in turn asks her to keep a written record of contacts between Sheila and Mark for the family assessment .
9 We are left with no genuine account of the wars between Seleucids and Jews from the Greek point of view .
10 On Dec. 3 Kuwait protested to the UN Security Council over Iraq 's refusal to participate in the work of the UN Border Demarkation Committee 's reconnaissance team , which had visited the demilitarized zone between Kuwait and Iraq at the end of November .
11 That 's between Bedale and Catterick at the moment and slight delays are possible there .
12 The only real kiss is the platonic one between Dustin and McQueen on the cliff top , before McQueen dives into the sea and escapes , swimming surprisingly powerfully for a man of his age and condition .
13 They were the result of a meeting the previous day between Gorbachev and leaders of the 10 republics prepared to participate .
14 Although the conflict was perceived in the West as being an invasion of Afghanistan by the Soviet Union , the prime treaty commitment is in the Agreement between Afghanistan and Pakistan on the Principle of Mutual Relations in Particular of Non-Interference and Non-Intervention .
15 The enclaves of very large dogwhelks around Porlock Weir in the Severn Estuary , between Swanage and Kimmeridge on the Dorset coast and at some sites in the west of Scotland are sublittoral or are confined to the extreme lower shore .
16 Although Voipreux seems to have jumped from nowhere to a 95% premier cru , it does possess some choice sites nestled between Vertus and Villeneuve-Renneville on the lower east-facing slopes of the Côte des Blancs .
17 The chamber will not , however , deal with two cases " out of a total of 11 pending " which are the subject of appeals made prior to its constitution : the question of compensation for Nauru for the effects of phosphate exploitation before its independence from Australia [ see separate item in this issue ] , and the dispute between Hungary and Slovakia over the Gabcikovo dam [ see EDs passim ] .
18 Tension between Hungary and Czechoslovakia over the Gabcikovo hydro-electric dam project increased during February , as Czechoslovakia prepared to resume work on the project , contrary to Hungarian wishes .
19 The controversy between Hungary and Czechoslovakia over the proposed dam on the Danube at Gabcikovo [ see ED 56 ] has intensified , with Hungary abrogating the 1977 treaty between the two countries under which the dam was originally planned .
20 The Faroe Islands , halfway between Scotland and Iceland in the stormy North Atlantic Ocean , were colonised some 1000 years ago by the Vikings .
21 The only other significant event of the evening was something that happened between Eva and Shadwell at the far end of the restaurant , beside the toilet .
22 In 1324 war broke out between England and France over the destruction by the Seneschal of Gascony of the fortress of Saint Sardos on the border between Gascony and the Agenais , the building of which had been authorized by Charles IV of France in the previous year .
23 Although there had been brief conflicts between England and France in the reigns of Edward I and Edward II , the reasons for war were now much more substantial than they had been in 1294 or 1324 , and the will to war on the part of the king , if not yet on the part of most of the nobility , was much more apparent .
24 Political ties between England and Gascony in the years before 1453 also had economic implications , because although the two had originally been linked by dynastic chance , their economies could complement each other .
25 Top-level talks in Moscow on Nov. 3-4 produced the most important agreement between Cuba and Russia since the break-up of the former Soviet Union .
26 That is bound to be an asset in relations between Washington and Westminster despite the political differences .
27 Fellow-feeling between Athens and Corinth , occasioned by Megara , is traceable as far back as the time of the Cypselid tyrant of Corinth , Periander : called on to arbitrate between Athens and Lesbos over the possession of Sigeion on the Hellespont , he awarded it to Athens .
28 The dispute between Russia and Ukraine over the Black Sea fleet worsened after more than 200 of the fleet 's ships , which are anchored in Ukrainian waters , hoisted the Russian ensign .
29 Through the 1920s , a clear gap opened up between Barth and Brunner on the one hand , and Bultmann and Gogarten on the other , though it was only to be later that the full significance of the divergence between them became apparent .
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