Example sentences of "how [det] [noun sg] [be] to be " in BNC.

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1 In the centre are the tape counter references to assist in the location of the material on the source tape , to the right of which are reminders as to how each edit is to be made .
2 Fascinating though these books are to read , the thought of being held prisoner by such a regime , knowing exactly how each day was to be spent from now until eternity , makes me feel cold with horror .
3 Discussion about how each subject is to be covered will identify who is needed to do the teaching .
4 Once the budget is decided , the retailer needs to draw up a plan of how that money is to be spent .
5 Arrive at joint decisions on how that care is to be delivered to individuals ?
6 If Elmer has a right to the inheritance according to a convention of this sort — if he has a right to it according to social conventions about who has power to legislate and how that power is to be exercised and how doubts created by the language are to be settled — then he has a legal right to it , but not otherwise .
7 On the one hand there were the beliefs in the nature and extent of the clergy 's political religious power and how that power was to be exercised in the state .
8 The disagreement was about how this decentralization was to be explained .
9 How this shortfall is to be accounted for forms the focus of the survey and analysis which follow .
10 But precisely how this power was to be used to reach what appears to be the ultimate goal of workers ' control is not conceptualised .
11 What I must decide next is how this inquiry is to be conducted .
12 Four potentially explosive matters need to be agreed : ( a ) a common system to apply on the retirement or death of a partner to secure the acquisition of such partner 's share in the firm , ie automatic accruer , option to purchase etc ; ( b ) how such share is to be valued , ie with or without goodwill , capital profits etc ; ( c ) the capital share of each partner in the new firm ; ( d ) the initial profit sharing ratio and the basis upon which it may be changed .
13 One local housing authority stated that there was ‘ a need for greater provision of special needs accommodation for the disabled and handicapped ’ yet there was no indication as to how such accommodation was to be provided .
14 This is hardly an optimistic conclusion either , since the problem remains of how such equality is to be created if not by elected government itself .
15 It is quite another matter to be told what taxes to pay and how much unemployment is to be suffered and then as an afterthought to be informed that there is to be no democratic redress .
16 When the Second Congress of the Communist International met in 1920 the basic query , says McLane , was how much attention was to be paid to the East .
17 He added : ‘ How much blood is to be spilt ?
18 In English Exporters ( London ) Ltd v Eldonwall Ltd [ 1973 ] Ch 415 at 426 Megarry J stated that the term " have regard " almost of necessity was bound to create difficulties , asking how much regard was to be had and what weight was to be attached to the regard when it has been had .
19 Tax is not deducted from National Insurance retirement pensions , but they are taken into account when deciding how much tax is to be paid on the elderly person 's income as a whole .
20 Nobody would claim that an audit is a perfect process : it is a snapshot at a moment in time , with the client often deciding how much light is to be let into the exposure .
21 OEDIPUS can potentially save fuel by choosing the best possible route and altitudes at which to fly and by predicting more accurately how much fuel is to be carried thereby reducing aircraft payloads and fuel use .
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