Example sentences of "how [adv] [pers pn] [vb past] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 And George Seferis saw also , when Eliot was inscribing a book , " how nervously he grasped the pen " .
2 It is at present difficult to say how effectively they controlled the flow of petitions .
3 Dismissing the argument that the directives were unreasonable , perverse or out of proportion , the judge said that perhaps the most startling feature of them was how little they restricted the supply of the ‘ oxygen of publicity ’ to the specified organisations .
4 Lord Donaldson said a startling feature of the directives was how little they restricted the supply of the ‘ oxygen of publicity ’ to the organisations specified .
5 But she would often tell friends how keenly she felt a responsibility not just for her employees ' jobs , but for their health , their mortgages , their children 's educations and the entire survival of the rural community in Carno .
6 The accompanying letter said how much they enjoyed the tour of Springfields and said Eric could pass on the sticker to his son .
7 Reaction to last year 's Fun Factory , she said , was excellent , with children and parents saying how much they welcomed the event .
8 If I asked for money from my husband he would talk of all the expenses , of how much it cost the family to keep me .
9 Erm , we had an example advert early on that we actually read through , for the simple reason of finding how long it was going to take , so we had a target as to how long we needed the advert to be very early on and we could work to that .
10 That 's how long it took the 18-year-old to score with his first touch on his Roker Park debut .
11 How long it took the teacher to become familiar with the control of the program and to consider how to use it with his pupils .
12 And they had the time worked out for every policeman the length of time he was allowed to travel from court to home and back again and you added that time to the time you were engaged in court and it was worked out to the minute — worked out officially how long it took the tram .
13 Asked once about how long he thought the movie industry could last , he snapped : ‘ I never make predictions , especially about the future ’ .
14 When pouring , it had been impossible to line up the bottles with the glasses , no matter how close she held the neck of a bottle to the rim of a glass .
15 What we can not know is how deeply they felt the break-up of their communal life and the removal of the prestige attached to the greater foundations .
16 She had never expected to be beautiful , and she was startled to see how nearly she approached a kind of beauty .
17 Rufus had forgotten how often he castigated the press for inaccuracy , how he constantly said to Marigold that you could n't believe a word you read .
18 A welter of figures shot up telling him when I had started work , how often I took a break to scratch my nose or eat a mint and exactly how many key strokes I 'd done all evening .
19 It must also have provided opportunities for men to meet regularly to discuss politics , and such discussions , and the attitude of those in the shires in times of crisis , may often have centred on how far they thought the king and his officials were living up to what was expected of them .
20 So we must examine the provisions of the Sexual Offences Act 1967 to see just how far it altered the law .
21 how well they recalled the review activities , how involved they had been and how far outsiders to the school had been involved ;
22 The slaves would work the cane , the Spaniards had already demonstrated how well they tolerated the crop 's conditions , and most of the slaves were strong , young males .
23 But Wayne says he was amazed at how well she took the singing part of Palene , lover of the warrior Spartacus .
24 You 'll be told how well you managed the interview and together you 'll discuss ways of improving your self-presentation when you start attending real interviews for real jobs .
25 Watching that fair , contemptuous face he thought how well he knew the type from his own school .
26 Setting his face towards the barrow , which was still perhaps half a mile away in dramatic relief against the angry sky , he had the feeling that he was bring followed ; that wherever he went , and no matter how fast he covered the ground , his every move was shadowed .
27 Evans watched him leave , noted how silently he closed the door behind him .
28 Robert Half recruitment consultants has collected an entertaining batch of true stories which saw one candidate zoom into the room on a skateboard and another , keen for the interviewer to see how sorely he needed the job , reveal the holes in his shoes .
29 We asked the Home Office to appear in this program , but they refused , instead they sent us a letter full of encouraging noises about how seriously they took the question of data protection .
30 It was the unfortunate Bishop of Norwich , hereinafter referred to as The Bloody Bishop , to quote Her Royal Highness , who had trouble grasping how quietly she became a hospice star .
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