Example sentences of "how [pers pn] [be] [verb] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Er the delivery part it was more the cluster but the overall delivery allowed me to prepare how I was going to be standing er how to get the audience in contact with me the eye the eye contact and also the way I spoke .
2 But you can see why if you 're selling inappropriately , if you sell someone for example , a savings plan , and they cash it in the first four years , and they do n't even get what they paid in it , how they 're going to be very annoyed , because from what they could see , they were getting a savings plan .
3 The National Sound Archive does n't claim to be the natural home for gramophones or other equipment , but it does have a small historical collection , because to understand the recordings , some knowledge of how they were meant to be played is desirable .
4 The Walshes had been caught in a strange yet powerful trap and it was difficult to see how they were going to be able to break free .
5 That 's how it 's meant to be .
6 So if you can go back to the original Hebrew of that particular verse then you 'll find out how it 's meant to be said , because a normal bible vision would n't read God 's in there , it would read equals and the name of the Lord , will be saved you see
7 It may be unconscious , but we 've made a decision at some stage about how it 's going to be .
8 And that 's how it 's going to be this winter .
9 ‘ And unless the system of training chartered accountants with study leave is changed , that 's how it 's going to be . ’
10 So this is how it 's going to be , thinks Howard , as he rides down in the lift again .
11 Fourthly I very much expect , although it 's not obvious that erm my Lord how it 's going to be said .
12 ‘ Is this how it 's going to be ? ’ she said .
13 and it 's not clear how it 's going to be implemented
14 Details of the secondary booklet and of how it is intended to be used are given in Chapter 4 , which presents case studies of two secondary schools making use of it .
15 There is nothing manufactured by man that has not been designed , because whether it 's a Rolls-Royce engine or a piece of printed paper , there 's always a decision to be made not only about what it 's going to look like but about how it is going to be made and how it is going to operate .
16 Arriving at a design for a new product , he insists , entails seeking marketing advice , weighing up how the product is going to be made and manufactured , understanding the cost elements and how it is going to be sold and presented to the customer .
17 She heard what he said and she thought , so that is how it is , and how it is going to be .
18 ( a ) make sure that all the parties and the court understand what the case is about ; ( b ) see if there is any possibility of settling the dispute , and if not , decide how it is going to be heard and how long the hearing will last ; ( c ) decide what documents or other evidence is needed from both sides . ’
19 This is probably the case since children do things the way that feels natural to them without worrying unduly how it is meant to be done .
20 Two stages are involved , the reason for which is neatly summarized in this quotation from C.S. Lewis : The first qualification for judging any piece of workmanship from a corkscrew to a cathedral is to know what it is — what it was intended to do and how it is meant to be used .
21 To decide whether it is successful , we have to know how it was intended to be used and what it was expected to achieve .
22 ‘ I do n't see how it was meant to be funny .
23 This was n't how it was meant to be .
24 That was how it was going to be between them , just as she made him sleep on the floor beside their honeymoon bed in the Ritz .
25 It just seemed to form the basis of how it was going to be .
26 Erm one was erm an account of er care in the community , and erm the implications for Nottingham , and how it was going to be , and they were planning to implement it erm which was of general interest .
27 So this was how it was going to be from now on , Maria accepted as she turned to go and find the keys .
28 I remember my mess-mate and how he was engaged to be married , and today he would be happily married with kids . ’
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