Example sentences of "man who have [verb] [pron] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 At first the information lack had been due to an instinctive veering away from the man who had caused her so much hurt and distress , but now it was more a matter of her rarely spending money on a paper and not having a television .
2 Colonel Joshua Murchison had always been a tough unyielding man who had made it quite clear to Julie that he would rather she had been a boy .
3 He was the one man who had loved her purely , and who believed in her as pure .
4 It was so absorbed in its feast that it ignored the soft approach of the man who had treated it so kindly , and could do no more than scratch and struggle as it was grasped by the neck , and lifted from the ground , its belly exposed to the flashing steel blade of a fish knife .
5 She had had only one lover so far , a very young man who had taught her little more than caution .
6 It was all centred on a man who was now dead , a man who had cast her aside long ago .
7 One night ( this was in the second week after he had arrived , and about nine or ten weeks before The Romance really began ) the man who had driven him away from the Bar had done so in a big , warm , expensive , deep-seated car .
8 It made Claudia stare for a moment , but she was too concerned with the man who had forced her here to worry about other people 's bad taste .
9 The man who had shown me in reached a pewter tankard down from the Welsh dresser and filled it with champagne .
10 The young man who had let them in introduced himself as Malengin Fole .
11 The siurell was modest and honest somehow , unlike the man who had deceived her so .
12 It seemed inconceivable that the man who had teased her so unforgivably in the morning had been so filled with compassionate understanding later in the same day .
13 There was the fat man who had woken her up , Annie who had at least made her feel slightly better , and then Cy McCray and his diet pills .
14 She was so vulnerable to him that part of her was already accepting that defeat was inevitable , that only Luke could be the one to end their affair , but at the same time pride was demanding resistance , refusing to submit to the humiliation of a physical surrender to the man who had called her a liar , accused her of infidelity — the man who had hurt her so badly .
15 FitzAlan 's sister , Joanna , serfs and soldiers , a wizened yet bright-eyed old man who had welcomed her profusely , a priest intoning Latin .
16 This could n't be Romano de Sciorto , her mother 's friend , the man who 'd invited her out here to Malta …
17 Then she turned towards the stairs , resisting with all her strength the temptation to turn back for one last glance of the man who 'd sent her normally sane and steady world into turmoil .
18 Every known criminal in New York was there , and those that were ‘ otherwise detained ’ had sent flowers to the man who 'd sent them up .
19 And truly it was no longer , as I had once thought , a matter of a star courting success by adopting the affectations of a prima donna , but of a man who has given himself up to a trance .
20 BRIAN MARWOOD , England winger turned Premier League reject , last night heaped gratitude on the man who has booted him out of Sheffield United .
21 ‘ For a man who 's got it so badly , Travis took that very well , ’ he began admiringly .
22 He turned to the two men who had followed him up the gangway .
23 Cloud was advancing steadily again over the moon 's face , and its shadow rolled across the mitred stones of the abbots , and covered the dark inward movement of the men who had followed him up from the water .
24 After years of scrutinising Jesus of Nazareth , of listening to his teaching , of watching his character , of observing his miracles , after witnessing that shameful death and experiencing that glorious resurrection , the men who had known him best were sure of it .
25 His affection and solicitude for Dobrée , as for other old friends like Herbert Read , Philip Mairet and Frank Morley , is very touching , and he seemed now almost a grandpaterfamilias for the men who had known him so well .
26 But we have men who have used them before . ’
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