Example sentences of "man who be [adj] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But at least Lewis is a fighting man who is eager to climb over the top of the trenches and go into battle to earn his rights .
2 The Primo Levi who is read by Fernanda Eberstadt is a man who is unable to write about Jews — though he does in fact write about them with great sympathy , believers and unbelievers alike — and who has no feeling for people whose background and abilities are different from his own , though the joy of Levi 's work , for other readers , is very often that he has such feelings , that he knows himself to be , while also knowing himself not to be , an ordinary man , a worker , a man who worked as an industrial chemist and who was no less of a worker when he wrote books .
3 Not in the employer-employee sense , but as the man who was able to walk on stage , argue with the director and get his own way without having to have Noel Coward behind him before he would reinstate lines that someone else had cut .
4 The house disappeared long ago but a monument erected near the site in 1825 bears witness to the life and death of a sincere Christian man who was prepared to die for his Faith .
5 An armada of small private boats and a flotilla of naval vessels sailed to the rescue ; more than three hundred and fifty thousand men were saved , men who were able to return to the battle against Hitler 's armies in Europe and Africa .
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