Example sentences of "man 's [noun] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Huxley 's Man 's Place in Nature of 1863 also confirmed the anatomical similarities between humans and great apes , undermining Owen 's efforts to establish an unbridgeable gulf between them .
2 Huxley 's Man 's Place in Nature of 1863 had stressed the physical resemblances between humans and apes .
3 And the reason does n't matter as Mick has said because we 're talking about the situation and the man 's attitude of mind at that particular time .
4 This reflects , she claims , man 's attitude toward woman in general , split between the ‘ Pygmalion urge ’ to form her to suit his own desire and the ‘ demolition enterprise ’ ( 1991a:247 ) .
5 The explosive power of volcanos is proof if ever it was needed , of man 's lack of control over the environment .
6 It is true that his definition of Rachel as " reste [ and ] goosteli swettenesse in deuocioun and contemplacion " , and " grace of deuocioun and reste in conscience " ( 31 – 2. 351 – 2,360 – 1 ) seems to correspond with his thinking about the stage of spiritual development which he describes in Scale 1 chapter seven as preceding an experience where man 's awareness in love of the life within him as Christ , is expressed as a " mariage made bitwix god and soule " ( 8.283a. – 82 ) .
7 I I remember I knocked out a man 's teeth in front of witnesses , just by using my mi my fist like that , hitting their tooth with a karate pass and brought the tooth out cleanly .
8 Almost unbelievably , a passer-by overhead the man 's approach to Robert outside the school , became suspicious , and telephoned the local police with the number of the car .
9 Rolle warns against taking any of it seriously : He ends the address to the solitary with his playful warning on the necessity of distinguishing between inner holiness and outward habit having previously established that : The phrase , characteristic of Rolle , " byrnes in luf of Jhesu Criste " combines man 's love for God with God 's for man in a fire which sets man alight .
10 Does it not presuppose man 's progress from primitive to sophisticated ways of life , and does it not suggest on the basis of a progressive increase of ahi sā a movement from a less good to a better form of life ?
11 The most significant stones of man 's quest for woman in this genre — like Rider Haggard 's ‘ She ’ novels , Masefield 's Odtaa and Sard Harker , William de Morgan 's Joseph Vance , Milton 's Lost Horizon — override the convention of the happy ending in a conclusion of happy pessimism , an almost cherished melancholy , a sense of emotional growth coming from loss and failure .
12 But de Man 's position as author of the discussion is mobile , at times intruding into the text with commentary .
13 He maintains that man 's sense of alienation from his fellow men is an expression of his alienation from himself .
14 Someone directing others needs to know the Bible as his own resource of study and meditation , to know its teaching about man 's relationship with God in covenant , encounter , incorporation , to know both its teaching on prayer and those who in its pages are seen at prayer .
15 Airmen Anonymous ( Merlin Books , 45pp , sbk , £3.95 ) by Trevor Holman is one man 's story of life in the RAF as a member of the groundcrew .
16 Press on Regardless by Stanley Humphrey , is one man 's story of life in the RAF from 1934 to 1946 .
17 The four circles are not presented as dealing with quite separate topics , such that to move from one to another would be in any sense a change of subject , but rather as four equally fundamental and interlocking dimensions of the same ground-motif that runs throughout : that Jesus Christ is the actualisation and realisation in time and history of God 's eternal decision to be God for and with man ; he is himself the everlasting covenant of God with us , and in that covenant the meaning and purpose of the created universe itself is contained ; and in him too lies the uncovering and overcoming of man 's estrangement from God by the divine ‘ No ! ’ of the cross which leads on to the ‘ Yes ! ’ of the resurrection .
18 A little to the left in the no man 's land in front of the buildings was a grass mound .
19 In a written reply the industrial tribunal ruled that ‘ the man 's consumption of alcohol from time to time was part of his job .
20 For my part I am not condemning , I am illustrating the fact that the Christian symbiosis between nature and humankind , expressed so well in the Bible , has from time to time been replaced by man 's domination of nature with disastrous consequences for both .
21 A man 's advice to men at midlife is neither to try dressing like younger men nor to neglect the way they dress .
22 Like Multitude and Solitude , it is an early exploration of the quest-adventure , man 's search for beauty as an ideal in human form , which Masefield was to bring to fruition in two later novels , Sard Harker and Odtaa .
23 His wife brought him , however , two books , The Plain Man 's Pathway to Heaven by Arthur Dent and The Practice of Piety by Lewis Baxley .
24 His campaigns to promote photography were typical of the man 's belief in photography as an art form .
25 His campaigns to promote photography were typical of the man 's belief in photography as an art form .
26 And in language which extends the representation in Scale 1 of man 's struggles against sin in terms of the Passion , Hilton says that it is the reformation in faith which enables man to carry the image of sin rather than be carried away by it : For some this reformation in faith is sufficient in itself .
27 Sin therefore reduces God to man 's image , scales him down to man 's size and substitutes man 's view of God for God himself .
28 As her brother recalls : ‘ It was like an old man 's club with masses of clocks ticking away .
29 So they w they came out of this working man 's club on top of this hill pulled out the whole thing and all the balls rolled out .
30 By John Roman Baker , comprising Crying Celibate Tears , The Ice Pick and Freedom to Party , these award-winning plays explore man 's relation to man in a time of crisis , where the war against the HIV virus is at is fiercest .
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